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Search results

  1. Mitternacht


  2. Mitternacht


  3. Mitternacht


    _________________________/\\\\\\\\\\\\____________ ____/\\\__________________\/\\\////////\\\_________ ____\////\\\________________\/\\\____\//\\\_______ _______\////\\\______________\/\\\_____\/\\\______ __________\////\\\____/\\\_____\/\\\_____\/\\\_____...
  4. Mitternacht

    QK QK QK Attack, my ninja trio, ATTACK! >:O _________________________/\\\\\\\\\\\\____________...

    QK QK QK Attack, my ninja trio, ATTACK! >:O _________________________/\\\\\\\\\\\\____________ ____/\\\__________________\/\\\////////\\\_________ ____\////\\\________________\/\\\____\//\\\_______ _______\////\\\______________\/\\\_____\/\\\______...
  5. Mitternacht

    QK <- Turn your head sideways and it looks like a ninja 8D Raikou.

    QK <- Turn your head sideways and it looks like a ninja 8D Raikou.
  6. Mitternacht

    :B (Ah, the insanity of newb-dom.)

    :B (Ah, the insanity of newb-dom.)
  7. Mitternacht

    *groan* Not another newbie!

    @RandomTyphoon: Braaaaaains. I enjoy the Death note anime as well as the manga because there are no spaces for fillers in the anime and the only deviation from the plot is at the very end, and even then it's not too bad. @James: Really? I like the faces. My gripe is with the hair. There's no...
  8. Mitternacht

    D:< (FFFUUUU-- *ahem*. Huh. I thought I did though... >.< Next time I should get more then four...

    D:< (FFFUUUU-- *ahem*. Huh. I thought I did though... >.< Next time I should get more then four hours of sleep before posting here, I guess xD)
  9. Mitternacht


  10. Mitternacht

    *groan* Not another newbie!

    Claymore, from what I'm reading, is awesome. I love the art, especially. Anime sometimes annoys me, all those fillers, you know? No, I'm not really a Troper... I need to explore that website more... EDIT: You just made me obsessed with TvTropes xD I mainly like Death Note because of the art...
  11. Mitternacht

    *groan* Not another newbie!

    As you can see, I'm new here at these forums x3 You can call me "Mit" if you don't want to type out "Mitternacht". Mitternacht means "Midnight" in German, but I'm not from Germany. I just heard this song, Mitternacht by E Nomine, and thought it was cool so... Enough on my name, I guess I'll...
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