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*groan* Not another newbie!


New member
As you can see, I'm new here at these forums x3

You can call me "Mit" if you don't want to type out "Mitternacht".
Mitternacht means "Midnight" in German, but I'm not from Germany. I just heard this song, Mitternacht by E Nomine, and thought it was cool so...

Enough on my name, I guess I'll guess started on myself:

I like to read, and I specifically enjoy reading manga. The manga series I like are Death Note (I. Love. Deathnote x3), Naruto (it was my first anime >.>), Code Geass, and I'm getting started on Claymore and Tsubasa.

My favorite book series has to be the Hunger Games series. I also like Edgar Allen Poe's stuff (Specifically: The Black Cat and The Raven)

...I can't really think of anything else to add xP
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Claymore? Hell yeah I smell taste.

o: that avatar seems really familiar. Troper or no? (okay on closer inspection your sign says 'you shall not pass' and theirs says 'you cannot pass' but either way say goodbye to any productivity)

I'm a frequent manga reader too, but I watch anime for the arts in motion and stuff.
Claymore, eh? :D I'm slightly disappointed by the rest of your list (Death Note and TRC are a bit too faux-intellectual for my tastes [in different ways], the only stupid shounen series I can tolerate is Katekyo Hitman REBORN!, and I hate CLAMP's art so no Code Geass or TRC anyway) but hurray, Claymore!

Welcome and have fun, etc etc etc. Usually Team IRC Channel isn't ... RPing as Pokemon characters ... but hey it happens. (I'm usually surskitty; Jessie is Tailsy; everyone else doesn't matter as much D<)
Claymore, from what I'm reading, is awesome. I love the art, especially.
Anime sometimes annoys me, all those fillers, you know?
No, I'm not really a Troper...
I need to explore that website more...

EDIT: You just made me obsessed with TvTropes xD

I mainly like Death Note because of the art (the HAIR) and I find the characters interesting. As for Naruto, like I said, it was the first anime I've watched, so I'll stick to the series (though I'll be cringing over the plot). I'm reading TRC because one of my friends reads it, and none of her other friends read/watch it so I'm doing her kind of a favor (and for the lulz). I watch Code Geass when I have nothing better to do.

But, yeah. I don't really read much Shojo. It's not really my thing.
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Victory! You'll become a slavin' zombie in no time~ And don't say I didn't warn ya.

Feh, true. I wouldn't mid filler s that are well-done, but. Yeah. Manga for plot, Anime for pretty visuals when everything's on model.
Claymore, from what I'm reading, is awesome. I love the art, especially.
Really? I really dislike the human faces. The monsters are totally awesome, though, and the rest of the humanoid bodies are great: it's just the faces that bug me. Mainly I'm fond of Claymore for the writing, not the art, though the awakened beings are totally awesome.
@RandomTyphoon: Braaaaaains.
I enjoy the Death note anime as well as the manga because there are no spaces for fillers in the anime and the only deviation from the plot is at the very end, and even then it's not too bad.

@James: Really? I like the faces. My gripe is with the hair. There's no real parting/volume to it. It's so...Limp? Flat? But yeah, the awakened forms are awesome looking!

@Doob: I don't really mind Clamp's drawing style, I mean, they can do detailed background, something I can never do when I draw xDD
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