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Search results

  1. A

    #mafia [Day 2 -- New death!]

    Re: #mafia [Night 1] (sorry for the delay. Moving tends to delay things.) It is morning in Mafiatown. As Zero Moment sips coffee, his eyes glaze over the obituary of a certain Wargle. ... the entire body of which merely said "Wargle: She was innocent." Wargle is dead. She was innocent. One...
  2. A

    Oh shit, hey. Are we friends on Steam? If not, we should rectify that. Also we should totally...

    Oh shit, hey. Are we friends on Steam? If not, we should rectify that. Also we should totally rule the world, virtually.
  3. A

    Hi! If you get this message at all soon-ish, I'll be just sitting online for awhile doing...

    Hi! If you get this message at all soon-ish, I'll be just sitting online for awhile doing errands if you wouldn't mind hopping on and off.
  4. A

    Hi! I've been looking for someone with Ditto in their Friend Safari. Would you care to trade...

    Hi! I've been looking for someone with Ditto in their Friend Safari. Would you care to trade friend codes with me? Mine is 0533-5115-6128.
  5. A

    #mafia [Day 2 -- New death!]

    Re: #mafia [Day 1 -- New death!] Sorry, I guess I didn't outline all my rules as well as I probably should've, I forget abstain limits are a thing. But no, I have no limits. And I guess that's a cue to say "good-night" and "night actions, please". 48 hours for night actions.
  6. A

    hi! if we could swap 3DS FCs, that'd be super-swell!

    hi! if we could swap 3DS FCs, that'd be super-swell!
  7. A

    #mafia [Day 2 -- New death!]

    Re: #mafia [Day 1 -- New death!] (psst guys a vote would be nice!)
  8. A

    Potty Business

    Largely depends on the median age of the people using the restroom. I'll try to avoid high school bathrooms, for instance. But otherwise, eh. I'm more afraid of the people.
  9. A

    Ahh, I'd be up for doing things if we could figure things out! ... do you happen to play Civ V?

    Ahh, I'd be up for doing things if we could figure things out! ... do you happen to play Civ V?
  10. A

    Super Smash Bros 4

    From Sakurai's explanations, it seems that Lucina is a spiritual successor to Roy, which I am perfectly okay with as I prefered Roy's handling and tactics by far. Robin is the true newcomer; if you look on the website, Lucina isn't even listed as a newcomer. They were also good picks as...
  11. A

    #mafia [Day 2 -- New death!]

    Re: #mafia [Day 1 -- New death!] For what it's worth, don't look into flavour text for role hints. Sorry, I meant to mention that I don't reveal anything at all myself.
  12. A

    #mafia [Day 2 -- New death!]

    Re: #mafia [Night 0] Good morning, denizens of Mafiatown! Despite it being Dawn of the First Day and people don't really expect anyone to be dead already, that is unfortunately not the case. The corpse of Eifie has been found half-hanging into the central town well. Poor Eifie, all she wanted...
  13. A

    I'm about to move, actually. Closer to the university. I'm re-doubling my studies and I can't...

    I'm about to move, actually. Closer to the university. I'm re-doubling my studies and I can't really afford my own place, so I'm taking the basement of a local county teacher (it's actually a fairly nice room). Just trying to balance what I'm trying to accomplish with academics and my life...
  14. A

    Hi! I'm marginally okay. How are things?

    Hi! I'm marginally okay. How are things?
  15. A

    Super Smash Bros 4

    They're both from Fire Emblem Awakening.
  16. A

    #mafia [Day 2 -- New death!]

    PMs are all sent! Night actions, bitte! Also, no out of thread communication, please! Just letting you know now, I am expecting great things. Don't disappoint me. It is Night 0. 48~ hours for night actions.
  17. A

    Super Smash Bros 4

    Hm, I didn't consider that. He does call out "Chrom!" before he appears, I had just figured from this screenshot that he was playable. But in retrospect, you appear to be right. I'm still okay with this, though.
  18. A

    Super Smash Bros 4

    Ahh, I called Lucina a good while ago. I don't know why everyone was expecting the FE:A rep to be Chrom considering Lucina and Robin were both more important in the story. I'm guessing the inclusion of Captain Falcon was to really stress that, yes he's still there, yes you can quiet down now...
  19. A

    Adriane's #mafia-style Mafia

    Re: Adriane's #mafia-style Mafia (8/8+, closing tomorrow) Will be closing signups midday tomorrow!
  20. A

    Adriane's #mafia-style Mafia

    Re: Adriane's #mafia-style Mafia (3/8+) You will in your PM! I'm not giving public role descriptions because some of them are a little different and I'd like having semi-private roles to invoke discussion. Of course, no player will have a role not listed here.
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