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Search results

  1. Esque

    Random things you've done becuase you were bored.

    Projects. Projects projects projects projects! Like... the matrix!
  2. Esque

    The Terrible Crossover Fanfic Idea Generator

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining MegaTokyo and Space Ghost. The story should use Christmas as a plot device! Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Monkees and Cardcaptor Sakura. The story should use going away to college as a plot device! Your...
  3. Esque

    Underwear= important and should be discussed

    Yeah but everything except puke is better the second time. : P
  4. Esque

    Underwear= important and should be discussed

    Oh my gosh I died laughing.
  5. Esque

    Underwear= important and should be discussed

    They're white. And underwear. That's really it.
  6. Esque

    What is in your pockets right now?

    Nothing... for once.
  7. Esque


    I think I can agree with you on this. It's kind of something half of the population is born with. -.- Wow, epic reaction there. : D
  8. Esque

    School is FINALLY over!

    Wow. I find it interesting that some people are still in school when I'm finishing up summer school. Then again, I start back up in mid August.
  9. Esque

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    I finally gave in. I'm the chick with the green shirt and the braid. And I swear I'm over 10. XD Yes, I KNOW I'll appreciate it when I'm old. But I'm not old, so...eh.
  10. Esque

    Odd Truths Thread

    ~Orange Juice! It's fantastic! And it has the same color as my grandma's skin! ~You know what my family is? My family is INSANE. -nod nod- ~When I take my Ritalin, nothing special happens. When I don't take my Ritalin, at least one person, without fail, will say one of two things to me...
  11. Esque

    What to Say to Random People you Looked up in the phonebook

    "Hi. I'm looking to speak with George Washington." "What do you think Abe Lincoln has to say for himself with this new crisis and a fake president?" "The KKK is back! Get out of the house!"
  12. Esque


    Two X. Identify as female. By identify as female, I mean I deal with a lot of blood on a monthly basis and it's painful. And I like my pretty hair. And that's it.
  13. Esque


    I have random obsessions upon occasion. In fact, there's one in particular I'm thinking about right now: neurotransmitters. So I have a request: Tell me everything you know or think about neurotransmitters. Please?
  14. Esque

    Grade level calculator

    got Flesch-Kincaid Grade level: 19. Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score: -36. I looked up the system. It divides the words by the sentences for one, and the syllables by the words for the other.
  15. Esque

    Grade level calculator

    I feel bad now. My readability is like a 38. I'm going to insert my introduction post there now.
  16. Esque

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Background: For two years I was in a really bad Baptist school. It caused problems. Especially since they had a teacher who verbally abused students. Now, four years later, I find out that what she did to me caused every family with a kid in the class I was in and the class behind mine to...
  17. Esque

    And then you realized...

    On the other hand, I realized that I look ten when I'm really fifteen and I get kid's menus for it. Even when I protest. And that random strangers pat my head and tell me their life stories and I think that's normal. Also, I was a freshman last year - and the only unhated freshman apparently...
  18. Esque


    This is true. It's also something I haven't finished thinking about yet, so I'm not gonna talk about it more.
  19. Esque


    I think it's funny that this is a debate. Why? Because the people who say homosexuality is wrong usually turn around and say the world is overpopulated, there isn't enough food, and they need to go feed the poor starving children of Africa. I feel that I should inform the world of something...
  20. Esque


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