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What is in your pockets right now?

Currently I have:

Piece of folded paper with Wonder Mail passwords on them
a random reciept from a random store
my DS
The case for my DS
Ear buds
Debit card.
A single penny
I swear I had a pen inside them somewhere, but it's gone now. (I believe there is a miniature Dark Void inside my pockets, and if I keep my hand in there long enough I will lose it.)
Thin cotton pajama pants so no pockets, but in my other pair I have a lump of clay from art class, including the tiny sentry I made, 20 dollars, and a packet of gummy bears.
Let's see.... I have my phone, a PDA my cousin just gave to me, and a dime I found. Not that interesting, really.
Nothing right now, but when I'm wearing pants that actually have pockets, or my jeans for which I need my belt(which is actually kinda retro since it fastens with two D-rings :D), I wear my Pokewalker. ^v^
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Ooh. I can list the contents of my school blazer pockets!

- Contact Diary
- Purse
- Paper with doodles on
- A Pen that really should be in my pencil case
- My collection of bent-out paperclips
- A cheap plastic replica of a Doctor WHo F.O.B. Watch
- A titchy model of a Riolu
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