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Search results

  1. Ace Of Spades

    Pokemon, what happened to you?

    Oh god. I just actually noticed I really do like the first game I ever played the most. It was silver, well, now Soul Silver but who cares... As for the other gens, I don't think they're bad, just some of them have some parts that I kinda don't like. For example that they invented such a whole...
  2. Ace Of Spades


    *catches Tea and cod* Err... thanks, I guess. Thanks for the advice, @lex. I do think that is where I'm goin to go... Hehe. Anyway, nice to meet'cha all! :grin:
  3. Ace Of Spades

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    It wasn't there 'again'. The Little Man now stays for as long as necessary, except when you move to the PC or any other page from where you may empty your party by one spot. ... By the way, does that mean abandoning and hatching eggs, too?
  4. Ace Of Spades

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Yay! Hmm... I also got a Jirachi for the Event. Also, I found a Manaohy yesterday, but it's probably hatched by now. =P
  5. Ace Of Spades


    Just a little. Nice to meet'cha.
  6. Ace Of Spades

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Yo. Kinda new here, I'd like to join. This is the team I like the most: Errr... well, I kinda like steel types... Does that show? Even though, I'm raising these ones right now... Yeah... That's about it...
  7. Ace Of Spades


    Yo! My name's Ace of Spades (obviously), called just Ace or Spades. =P Well... I'm new here, anyone noticed? Not much else to say right now... Oh, I like the Axe Murderer Style. And Steel types. ~Ace Of Spades
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