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  1. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Oh, it is? Different timezones, I guess. XD

    Oh, it is? Different timezones, I guess. XD
  2. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    o3o Weird, huh?

    o3o Weird, huh?
  3. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Ooh cool just made a 4:04 time (like 404 error) post~ >:3

    Ooh cool just made a 4:04 time (like 404 error) post~ >:3
  4. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    You said, "Oh, I see" as an explanation to oic. Then I said the same thing back. I always end up...

    You said, "Oh, I see" as an explanation to oic. Then I said the same thing back. I always end up saying back to someone what they explained to me, but in a different manner of speech. owo" But it's likely what I just said makes no sense whatsoever. :|
  5. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Oh, I see. :> ...... Wait, I just.. BAH WHY DO I KEEP DOING THAT. |D :'< Your my friend...

    Oh, I see. :> ...... Wait, I just.. BAH WHY DO I KEEP DOING THAT. |D :'< Your my friend, though! >w< *hug*
  6. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    What does oic mean? owo I like it here, too. I'm just yet to make many friends. :'D

    What does oic mean? owo I like it here, too. I'm just yet to make many friends. :'D
  7. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    xD Nooo, that's also what I meant by being on the computer; to be on TCoD. ^^"

    xD Nooo, that's also what I meant by being on the computer; to be on TCoD. ^^"
  8. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    I don't like playing sports, either. I'm just not good at it at all. :/ I'd rather stay on the...

    I don't like playing sports, either. I'm just not good at it at all. :/ I'd rather stay on the computer or at home so that I can draw and write. <3
  9. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Really? That's nice to hear. :] I can't say I've ever been to a Baseball game, nor have I been a...

    Really? That's nice to hear. :] I can't say I've ever been to a Baseball game, nor have I been a player in one. ^^"
  10. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Ooh I'm such an idiot. |D Yes, I'm fine, you? :3

    Ooh I'm such an idiot. |D Yes, I'm fine, you? :3
  11. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Oh, hi there. :3

    Oh, hi there. :3
  12. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Oh, hello there.

    Whoops. Sorry, I must be really used to doing that. Thanks for the welcome. c:
  13. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

    I'm so jealous of your amazing ability to draw~ >w< I think all of the pictures look great. =D You're a wonderful artist, I think. <3
  14. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Oh, hello there.

    That's fine. I'll have a good time, or face the consequences, eh? .. Then I'll definitely have a good time. Thank you~ c:
  15. Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ

    Oh, hello there.

    Hello. I'm Ħ჻չ βєէą ℓíიєş չ჻Ħ, but you can call me just about anything you want. :3 I'm new to this site, but I've actually been stalking it for quite awhile. c: So I just stumbled upon the Introduction area, and really want to get rid of that header.. notice-thing. |D Anyways. I really like...
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