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Search results

  1. Stealthy Floatzel

    People say my voice sounds like a Buizel's :3

    I was recording my voice one day, just for fun. Then I played a Buizel voice clip soon after. Then I thought "wait a minute..." and put the Buizel clip and my own clip together. They sounded very similar. I posted it on another Pokemon forum and the site admin even said I sounded a lot like a...
  2. Stealthy Floatzel

    I think I forgot about TCoD :) (oopsie)

    Thanks everyone :). And I look forward to having a good time here.
  3. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 25: Zeke's Disorder Zeke and his friends had a lot to think about that day. What started as a chance meeting in a haunted mine had turned into a mission to save Zeke's world from an invisible threat. So far, the nature of the threat was unknown, but Zeke was beginning to think that...
  4. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 24: Mysteries of the Past Zeke and his friends were busy training in the art of spellcasting. Most of the projectile spells, such as Hypervelocity Bolt, Contorted Blast, and some others, were practiced in a space outside of Rupert's house. All the pokémon, except Zeke, were practicing...
  5. Stealthy Floatzel

    I think I forgot about TCoD :) (oopsie)

    Hi everyone. For those of you who don't remember me, I joined earlier this year, and my last visit was in July. I was looking for other Pokemon forums to join when I got tired of Pokecommunity. Well, this came on the list, so I joined. I did post some chapters to a story of mine, but after a...
  6. Stealthy Floatzel

    My fanfic made it on the google suggestions list :)

    Thanks for the clarification. :) I've been working on my fanfic since April last year, and I will continue to work on it.
  7. Stealthy Floatzel

    Odd Truths Thread

    1: I can make my left thumb make a clicking sound when I bend it. 2: I'm a fan of Pokemon, yet I don't watch the anime (unless it's certain clips of it), play the games, or read the manga. I like it because of the Pokemon. 3: Sometimes, my dreams are realistic and 1st person. At other times...
  8. Stealthy Floatzel

    My fanfic made it on the google suggestions list :)

    If it did for me, then the search would be capitalized, as I always capitalize my searches.
  9. Stealthy Floatzel

    I haven't set an exact number yet, but I'm trying to make each part around 7 chapters each.

    I haven't set an exact number yet, but I'm trying to make each part around 7 chapters each.
  10. Stealthy Floatzel

    It's up now, all 23 chapters. My story is still a WIP.

    It's up now, all 23 chapters. My story is still a WIP.
  11. Stealthy Floatzel

    My fanfic made it on the google suggestions list :)

    I don't know how common or rare something like this is, but to me, it's an achievement. :) The story can be found on this site now.
  12. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 23 Chapter 23: A New Agenda Zeke was about to retell the events that took place since the beginning of Zeke's adventures. He knew that everyone did not have too much time on their hands so he decided to tell an abridged version of his story. “Okay, first I want to say that I was once...
  13. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 22 Chapter 22: The Wizard Zeke and his friends now have a new threat to deal with. The two hunters, according to Quince, are trying to hunt down exotic animals, which likely includes pokemon. However, the threat had been dealt with for now and it was time to move on. “Where do you...
  14. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 21 Part 4: The Test of Awareness Chapter 21: A Beautiful Friendship Zeke and his friends had made the city safer by robbing the criminal organization of its secrets. Zeke thought the whole idea of robbing robbers to be very interesting. But now, everyone was in another place, not too...
  15. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 20 Chapter 20: A Recess Now that Zeke and his friends had dealt with the mafia threat, they wanted to relax for a bit before moving on. Zeke decided to pay the building that they were teleported inside a visit. Zeke and his friends had left the police station to do just that. When they...
  16. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 19 Chapter 19: The Lawful Heist Zeke and his friends were about to discover the truth behind this organization. The lives of dozens of questionable characters were in the paws of a Pokemon. Do Zeke and a select few really have the power to place an entire mafia under arrest? Zeke...
  17. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 18 Chapter 18: Special Attention Zeke and his friends had just uncovered evidence that could determine whether or not this whole building should be investigated by the police. In the storeroom they were just in, they discovered part of an inventory of items; some of which were legal...
  18. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 17 Chapter 17: Discoveries Zeke and his friends were now in the building that supposedly was the headquarters of a criminal organization. On the way there, they had discovered the secret entrance while trailing the two robbers. Also, they discovered that the object on one of the...
  19. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 16 Chapter 16: A New Problem Zeke and his friends had just been attacked by a group of thugs. Who they were or what they represented was still a mystery, but at least Zeke and the others found two familiar faces. The Riolu and the Buizel had apparently been stalked by associates of the...
  20. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 15 Part 3: The Test of Patience Chapter 15: The Setup Of the six people that left the castle, only three entered the portal. Those three were Zeke, Alice, and Samuel. The portal they entered deposited them inside a room. It looked to be a bedroom that, judging by the quality of the...
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