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My fanfic made it on the google suggestions list :)

Well isn't that a feat.

I'd like to say that this means your fanfic stands out so much it doesn't drown in the sea of other fanfics. And that's a good thing.
That's pretty sweet.

My Google (and just about any other text box) doesn't give me any suggestions for my search, but rather a list of things I've previously searched for. Not that I'm complaining, but yeah. /random trivia
It comes up for me too though. Only I'd have to be specifically looking for that fanfic because anything less than 'Lucario and the 10' will bring up 'Lucario and the Mystery of Mew' stuff.

Still, I guess that'd be rather hard to do. At the very least, you have quite a few people googling your fic to find it faster!
If it did for me, then the search would be capitalized, as I always capitalize my searches.

google pays no attention to capitilization?
Not to burst your bubble, but you do know it eventually begins to show your previous searches, right?

Eh, no.

I just typed it in and it came up.
Yay, congrats! I looked up 'Lucario and the 10' and it came up. It seems pretty popular, I MUST READ IT. D: If you don't mind, may I ask what It's about? :D
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