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Search results

  1. agcurbáistí

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    YES YES YES THIS. Also, multiple save game files, burns being healed by Ice-type moves, and evo of Banette. Why should Dusclops be the only Gen III Ghost to get a kick-ass evolution?
  2. agcurbáistí

    Your favourite Pokémon of each type?

    Re: Your favourite Pokémon of each type? Fire: Arcanine Water: Swampert Grass: Sceptile Electric: Ampharos Dragon: Garchomp Psychic: Meditite Flying: Pidgeot Normal: Whismur Rock: Larvitar Ground: Donphan Dark: Umbreon Fighting: Croagunk Steel: Metagross Ice: Jynx Poison: Drapion Bug: Dustox...
  3. agcurbáistí


    Hinduism and Sikhism need some love, especially considering they're much cooler and groovier than the Abrahamic religions. Also, I don't know how to stop being Catholic. Is there a website or something where you can quit? That would be handy.
  4. agcurbáistí

    Hello all.

    Pity the Pandorica didn't turn out to be as badass as we all thought. :<
  5. agcurbáistí


    Koga's also pretty annoying, considering I always neglect to have a Pyschic type on my team. Swalot seems to have been conceived simply to scorn trainers. What the hell's wrong with having having Lorelei instead? D: Also, I don't really understand how people can act all nonchalant about how...
  6. agcurbáistí

    Happy music

    God, anything by Matt & Kim, especially this. Also, Sleepyhead, and pretty much anything else by Passion Pit :3 Wake Up, All the Neighbourhoods and I'm Spleeping In A Submarine by Arcade Fire. Tightrope, Many Moons and Violet Stars Happy Hunting! by Janelle Monáe. Speaking of which, this.
  7. agcurbáistí

    Hello all.

    Hi. "Ag Cur Báistí" is in Irish, by the way, even though I don't actually like the language - I just like the phrasing of that particular phrase.
  8. agcurbáistí

    Black & White

    People always complain about the new Pokémon designs - some people are still reeling from Generation III. But some of the Pokémon from Gen I were pretty lazy as well - what about Koffing --> Weezing and Magnemite --> Magneton? At least Gen IV brought something new to the Magnemite line. Satoshi...
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