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I beat her on my first try, and it was in the middle of English class. :p My Togepi evolved that fight too. I don't remember how hard it was (or anything that happened in English) but it couldn't have been that bad if I got it on the first try.

Now, if you want to know the gym leader that gave me hell, it was Bugsy. I was leveling a full team of 6 evenly, and it's hella hard when all the available wild Pokemon are like... ten levels lower than what you're trying to get to. x_x
Well, she did warn you!

I just taught my Quilava Rollout in GSC and beat her with that.
Aaah Bugsy I don't like him at all.

In particularly that GODDAMN Scyther. I had a Bayleaf and a Slowpoke by that point, figure the rest yourself.
If you have a bulky Pokemon with a priority move, you can actually take out the Scyther pretty easily. I used my Kangaskhan's Fake Out twice and got the Scyther to die. After that, it's just two cocoons... not too difficult.
I haven't reached Morty in HG yet, bu he was a pushover in GSC. Get a Geodude with Magnitude. Use that a few times. You win.

With Levitate, I guess they'd be a bit harder.
Whitney was easy to beat.

Quilava OHKO'd Clefairy with FlameWheel, then I sent out Flaffy, who used ThunderWave, then spammed Thundershock until fainting. Then, send in Golem and use E-Quake (Traded to Diamond and used a TM for Earthquake)
see, trades make the point null, because attacks of earthquake power generally aren't available at that point. (bar dragon rage and the Vendor Trash Disc One Nuke hyper fang.)

of course, there's the in-game trade, which make it significantly easier, but it still instadies to stomp.

Anything with Curse can effectively halt that Miltank. As I said I personally used Slowpoke and set up three Curses during her Clefairy, and then I proceeded Headbutt it to death.
not when she gets lucky and all her rollouts hit. or when you get flinchaxed to death. lowering your speed is a really bad idea against ai trainers with flinch moves.
With your defence doubled, or maybe even tripled, even a fifth rollout won't do a lot, so it's not like that matters.

And if it's that much of a problem then just paralyze it.

I really don't get why people find her so hard. I mean sure I UNDERSTAND why, but to me she was no harder than any other gym leader.

But you know what I found hard? Bugsy, or rather, Bugsy's goddamn Schyther. 110 base attack, 105 base speed, Technician, Quick-Attack and U-Turn. It's fast as a truck and it hits just as hard. The fact that I only had Bayleaf and Slowpoke didn't help, either.
With your defence doubled, or maybe even tripled, even a fifth rollout won't do a lot, so it's not like that matters.


fifth rollout is bp30*2^5=960, which after +6 def is the equivalent of bp240, about the power range of STAB hyper beam, or a typical third rollout. and you're screwed on a crit.

And if it's that much of a problem then just paralyze it.

-6 speed. paralysis is the equivalent of -6 speed. miltank has a highly respectable base 100 speed. see the problem there?

I really don't get why people find her so hard. I mean sure I UNDERSTAND why, but to me she was no harder than any other gym leader.

I find here annoying in the her strategies leave room for so much lucky "oh, hey, you're screwed".

But you know what I found hard? Bugsy, or rather, Bugsy's goddamn Schyther. 110 base attack, 105 base speed, Technician, Quick-Attack and U-Turn. It's fast as a truck and it hits just as hard. The fact that I only had Bayleaf and Slowpoke didn't help, either.

and horribly low defenses. if you'd gotten the pokéwalker kangaskhan, it goes something like this: fake out! switch! oh, u-turn? no problem. switch back, fake out! oh, hey, it died. screwed over by quick attack unless EV trained, but he usually u-turns for the massive damage.

it can be easy or hard depending how you play it. level-grinding works. :P
It might just be partially my own fault in my case, as I beforehand decide on a team of six 'mons and then stick with those, regardless of when and where I can catch them.

But still, Level grinding in HG/SS? Considering how extremely low-levelled every single trainer is in comparison to the Gym Leaders, trying to grind yourself to the same level, or even a respectable level, for the matter, takes ages. I was underlevelled by the time I reached Whitney, and that was after already having battled all trainers on the way to Olivine.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be recurring, my best Pokémon in Platinum was about 15 levels lower than Cynthia's Garchomp, and my best Pokémon in HeartGold was also about 15 levels lower than Lance's strongest Dragonite.
It might just be partially my own fault in my case, as I beforehand decide on a team of six 'mons and then stick with those, regardless of when and where I can catch them.

But still, Level grinding in HG/SS? Considering how extremely low-levelled every single trainer is in comparison to the Gym Leaders, trying to grind yourself to the same level, or even a respectable level, for the matter, takes ages. I was underlevelled by the time I reached Whitney, and that was after already having battled all trainers on the way to Olivine.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be recurring, my best Pokémon in Platinum was about 15 levels lower than Cynthia's Garchomp, and my best Pokémon in HeartGold was also about 15 levels lower than Lance's strongest Dragonite.

Are you saying you beat the HG/SS Elite Four with your highest leveled Pokémon being 35?
But still, Level grinding in HG/SS? Considering how extremely low-levelled every single trainer is in comparison to the Gym Leaders, trying to grind yourself to the same level, or even a respectable level, for the matter, takes ages. I was underlevelled by the time I reached Whitney, and that was after already having battled all trainers on the way to Olivine.

....How did you battle all the trainers up to Olivine before fighting Whitney? You can't even get to Ecruteak until you beat her and get the Squirtbottle and move the Sudowoodo. Unless that was changed inthe remakes and I didn't notice.
Are you saying you beat the HG/SS Elite Four with your highest leveled Pokémon being 35?

I beat the Crystal E4 rather easily with four Pokemon around level 35. I haven't tried that in SS, though. Not sure if I could do it, actually, though I don't really know how much the remake changed things. But in general the Johto E4 is really easy as long as you have an ice move for Lance.
My level 45 Starmie failed to OHKO Lance's weakest Dragonite with a Blizzard. T_T The rest of the E4 is fairly easy, with a few single pokemon exceptions, but Lance can be irritating. Or maybe I just have bad luck. :<
Koga's also pretty annoying, considering I always neglect to have a Pyschic type on my team. Swalot seems to have been conceived simply to scorn trainers. What the hell's wrong with having having Lorelei instead? D:

Also, I don't really understand how people can act all nonchalant about how "Whitney's really easy". I think everyone, at least on their first play of GSC, has been butt-raped by her Miltank at least once.
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