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Search results

  1. NegativeVibe

    What is your favourite final stage Water Starter?

    Team Swampert for sure. Also love Primarina and Inteleon.
  2. NegativeVibe

    Name something pretty :3

  3. NegativeVibe

    What is your favourite base stage water starter?

    Mudkip. Sapphire was the first game I played -- started with Mudkip and got super attached.
  4. NegativeVibe

    What originally drew you into Pokemon?

    Pokémon was all the rage when I was in kindergarten. It was the height of the 90s (1998-1999) and I believe a friend in my class recommended the anime to me. So I began watching it, and was hooked. The Pokémon world as seen through the anime was, and still is, one that I'd love to live in. I...
  5. NegativeVibe

    Your Theme Song

    Your Star by Evanescence. Among many others, to be honest.
  6. NegativeVibe

    So who looks at my profile?

    First post since 2012...yikes. I look at random people’s profiles a lot whenever I log back in here. I can’t remember most of the people I knew because it was so long ago and for such a brief period of time that I was actually active, and a lot of the people I knew have left or changed their...
  7. NegativeVibe

    Indeed! Tis me...Two years and four months later, eh? ;D Okay, I will see if I can send you a...

    Indeed! Tis me...Two years and four months later, eh? ;D Okay, I will see if I can send you a PM or something with my email. You are also extremely awesome, so stay in touch~! I never forgot about this forum; I just got way too into some of the other forums I was on. Then I left the internet...
  8. NegativeVibe

    Well. It's like...2 years and 4 months later, but if you're still on this site, hello. :D I...

    Well. It's like...2 years and 4 months later, but if you're still on this site, hello. :D I will reply to the old VM. xD You can reply or we can just start afresh, since it's been...quite some time. I bet you could build up poison immunity. :o If you can, you must teach me how. Indeed. I've...
  9. NegativeVibe

    Well. Was that particular forum PokeSun? :D?

    Well. Was that particular forum PokeSun? :D?
  10. NegativeVibe

    Sorry I haven't responded in forever! D: And it's okay. I understand how work piles up. For me...

    Sorry I haven't responded in forever! D: And it's okay. I understand how work piles up. For me, I haven't even had much going on. I've just been scattered. :/ I'll respond to the old conversation as well! xD XD Oh yes, that's a good theory. Excruciating cramps and stomachaches are fine - so...
  11. NegativeVibe

    Yeah :/ I've been really scattered lately; haven't been getting much done. D: How's life? (...

    Yeah :/ I've been really scattered lately; haven't been getting much done. D: How's life? (: I'm going to try and log on here a bit more often; haven't been to any Pokemon forums in quite some time. Also, I'm definitely going with my old avatar again. xD
  12. NegativeVibe

    Whoa, sorry I haven't messaged you in forever D: I got distracted with a few other things...

    Whoa, sorry I haven't messaged you in forever D: I got distracted with a few other things. How've you been lately? In reply to your last message: That sounds awesome! I've wanted to get into competitive battling for a while now, but I haven't ever gotten around to it. :/
  13. NegativeVibe

    Ok, awesome. I'll send you a friend add next time I log on there. Competitive League sounds...

    Ok, awesome. I'll send you a friend add next time I log on there. Competitive League sounds cool. So is it like wifi battles and that sort of thing?
  14. NegativeVibe

    Introducing Myself

    Welcome to tcod, BlasTech! :D
  15. NegativeVibe

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Yeah, Houndoom has excellent Pokedex entries. Dark/Fire is an interesting type combo as well. Overall, Houndoom = awesome
  16. NegativeVibe

    Pokémon RéBURST (Big Image Warning)

    Re: Pokémon ReBURST (Big Image Warning) Thank you for posting this! *sits back to read* :D
  17. NegativeVibe

    Funny things teachers/ professors have said

    My Spanish conversation lab teacher was describing a person, and we had to try and guess who it was. He said something that roughly translated to "she has a big butt." Someone in the class: "Oh, it's Jennifer Lopez!" Spanish teacher: ¡Sí! O__________O
  18. NegativeVibe

    Thanks. :) It was nice of you.

    Thanks. :) It was nice of you.
  19. NegativeVibe

    Thanks for the group invite. ^^

    Thanks for the group invite. ^^
  20. NegativeVibe

    Same username as here. I might start an intro thread; I didn't this week because I was really...

    Same username as here. I might start an intro thread; I didn't this week because I was really busy. Btw what is your username there? Ah, okay.
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