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Search results

  1. Altaria-Lover

    Your favourite Pokémon of each type?

    Re: Your favourite Pokémon of each type? Normal: Girafarig/Blissey Fighting: Hariyama Flying: Xatu Poison: Skorupi Ground: Rhyperior Rock: Probopass Bug: Yanmega Ghost: Dusknoir Steel: Hate. Them. All. Fire: Magmortar Water: Whiscash Grass: LUDICOLO Electric: Zapdos Psychic: Ugh. I have to pick...
  2. Altaria-Lover

    Do you sort your PC Pokemon?

    I sort them by level (0-10, 11-20 etc), and then by personal preference without those frames. If I fill up a box with pokemon of that level frame, I go on a spree to level them up. I have one box for shinies (Of which I have 12). All the other boxes contain my Altarias. Seriously. -This is for...
  3. Altaria-Lover

    Thank you for the good wishes, and sorry for the belated reply; it's been a helluva month...

    Thank you for the good wishes, and sorry for the belated reply; it's been a helluva month. Present giving has always been a painful experience for my family, in that only my mother buys the separately. All the other cards read 'happy birthday, merry christmas!'. But I digress. Thanks a lot =)
  4. Altaria-Lover

    What is your idea of the perfect Pokemon Game?

    Something better than Altaria? Impossible!
  5. Altaria-Lover

    Favorite Gym Leader?

    Winona. She uses an Altaria! :D
  6. Altaria-Lover

    New Rotom Forms

    To be honest, 'Frost Rotom' sounds weird. I prefer 'Fridgetom', or 'LOLFRIDGE'. Something like that, anyway.
  7. Altaria-Lover

    Favourite cartridge?

    I don't really notice, but I'd say Ruby. Purty! ^_^
  8. Altaria-Lover

    What Pokemon mood are you in?

    I'm 'into' Altaria. (Duh) The Pokemon that I feel like... Would be Rotom. Doncha just love curling up in front of the / inside the TV? ^_^
  9. Altaria-Lover

    Best Pokemon Game Ever

    Ruby/Sapphire, because: #1 First games to feature the awesomest region EVAR. #2 First games to feature Altaria. Emerald and PMD2 rawk also.
  10. Altaria-Lover

    PMD/PMD2:Tough battles

    I found the Luxray Tribe pretty difficult. Dusknoir was pretty easy, really. Violent Seeds are just about the best things in PMD2. Darkrai and The Grand-Master of All Things Bad made me a bit depressed, but I got there in the end.
  11. Altaria-Lover

    How many level 100s do you have?

    TOO. MANY. I'd say that through my 2 Rubies, 1 Sapphire and 2 Emeralds, I've got Level 100's of every Hoenn PoKeMoN. And that's not an exaggeration. Can we have a 200+ option pweeze?
  12. Altaria-Lover

    Why do I bother with this? (The Voice In My Head / Header Told Me To)

    Hi all, I was here on the old forums, but I was pretty obscure, so don't know if anyone remembers me :)
  13. Altaria-Lover

    Butterfree VS Beedrill

    Butterfree. Everything about it is so much better. The STAB moves it now gets, for one. Compoundeyes are always nice. And, it's pretty. Plus, I absolutely DESPISE bees of any sort.
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