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New Rotom Forms

To be honest, 'Frost Rotom' sounds weird. I prefer 'Fridgetom', or 'LOLFRIDGE'.
Something like that, anyway.
Honestly, I love the new Rotom forms. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to get them. I hope I can somehow get them, because battling Pokemon with a psychotic lawnmower thing would just be so awesome.
Honestly, I love the new Rotom forms. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to get them. I hope I can somehow get them, because battling Pokemon with a psychotic lawnmower thing would just be so awesome.

I can always use my AR to get a Pokemon that is holding a Secret Key, then trade it to you

^^ See? AR's aren't ALL bad :D
I love the lawnmower one. I agree that the names suck. Wash, heat, spin, frost and cut? Not so much. But my favorite has to be the lawn mower one.

There's always the chance that the names will change in the English version. Though it's unlikely.
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I can always use my AR to get a Pokemon that is holding a Secret Key, then trade it to you

^^ See? AR's aren't ALL bad :D

...I see. I guess so, but the only reason AR's bug me is because of the annoying 12-year-olds who use them to get a full team of Level 100 shiny Uber Legendaries. Unfortunately, the Pokemon nerds at school consist of only people like that, some guy from 12th grade who gave me a Chikorita for a Spiritomb like a year ago, and me.

But, yeah... My second most favorite Rotom form would have to be the Toaster.
I miss the days long ago, when the people who designed all of the Pokémon actually possessed originality. Making alternate forms was bad enough, but did Gamefreak/Nintendo have to sink as low as household appliances? I can understand the idea, but it just seems like such an epic fail because we're talking about Pokémon here.

In my opinion, the old Pokemon were less creative. A cat. A rat. A bat.

Now they're better. A plasma ghost that can posses household appliances? Very creative in my opinion. A ghost balloon that drags children to the underworld is pretty original, too, I think.
Cut: HeeeEEE hee hehehe! VROOOOM! CRASH! I meant to do that! Ow...
Frost: *rolls eyes* he did it again....
Heat: Yeah. He's the crazy one.
Spin: No, I'm crazy! WHIRRRRRRR
Wash: I can spin faster than you! WHIRRRRR

Rotom is epic win.
Who keeps on posting these sick tags? And why doesn't a mod do anything about it?

Anyway, forget lolmower, LOLTOASTER is the best.
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