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Search results

  1. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    i hate getting up early it's too hard
  2. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    one of my closer friend's middle name is ryan and he's accuse me of stealing.
  3. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    sterling christopher doesn't sound terribly awful. i like big names as well.
  4. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    s-sterling pound.
  5. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    so guys. what's a good middle name to go with sterling.
  6. Dewgong


    i think i only have a vague idea of grammar as well.
  7. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    ^ you gotta do what you gotta do, although i'd probably tell your parents to avoid... surprise finding-outs. or something. hmm... i'm changing my name in the next couple of months as well. makes me very happy. except my parents have to agree with whatever middle name i choose and i'm having...
  8. Dewgong

    Has the AAP been forgotten?

    not very many
  9. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    dangling... thing... ... dangling...
  10. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    totally contributing: i'm making rice
  11. Dewgong

    New person like usual on these things

    nah i only looked at the last post wow that's kind of stupid.
  12. Dewgong

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    md, you look really look nice. bombsii you too, you're adorable. haha my glasses are slanted a little bit.
  13. Dewgong


    orange, building, towel, five.
  14. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    lol ellen.
  15. Dewgong

    New person like usual on these things

    welcome, swellow.
  16. Dewgong

    RUSSIA x PRUSSIA???????

    RUSSIA x PRUSSIA???????
  17. Dewgong

    Русский язык для чайников (Russian Fan Club)

    Re: Русский язык для чайников (Russian Fan Club) sorry for bump, but... i would love to learn russian at some point in my life, but i don't have enough time, and i don't think i can do it right now. i do know the cyrillic alphabet though, and a couple simple words. also, aah this is pretty much...
  18. Dewgong

    If you were a Pokemon, which would it be?

    lopunny because lopunny is sexy.
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