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Search results

  1. boss

    didn't know it was your birthday i'm fashionably late happy bday!

    didn't know it was your birthday i'm fashionably late happy bday!
  2. boss

    i like your signature!

    i like your signature!
  3. boss

    creepy_k commented on my youtube channel somehow months ago, so i clicked his profile and that's...

    creepy_k commented on my youtube channel somehow months ago, so i clicked his profile and that's his only uploaded video. i remembered it through my yt history so i linked it all he ever does on yt apparently is support muslim rights? the internet is a weird place...
  4. boss


    yesterday i dreamt people were hanging all over the tree in my front lawn, and later a different dream that slugs were shooting out of my wrists
  5. boss

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwi4A1axJbQ here's still around surprisingly yeah i don't know...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwi4A1axJbQ here's still around surprisingly yeah i don't know what Furret was thinking, something about all the babies having sex and the parents joining. he was banned several times but good friends with butterfree here so she kept letting him back. there's...
  6. boss

    creepy_k was such a lame guy. he tried pretty hard to be a cool troll like me and some other...

    creepy_k was such a lame guy. he tried pretty hard to be a cool troll like me and some other people and couldn't tell the difference between several members. he thought people often had puppet accounts and was generally just annoying. who remembers Furret's rugrats porn story? i wish i didn't
  7. boss

    man you're still alive

    man you're still alive
  8. boss

    Your Personality?

    a dick
  9. boss

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    oh huh you look a lot more normal than i would've ever guessed MD
  10. boss

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    maybe because they still don't know why people hate them
  11. boss

    sad isn't it

    sad isn't it
  12. boss

    oh gee whiz

    (i don't remember what image was here and it wasn't showing up, so i've edited this post!)
  13. boss


  14. boss

    One-Shot Break of a Bond

    where "were" and fought "faught" SIIIIGH
  15. boss

    am i in your thoughts and dreams

    am i in your thoughts and dreams
  16. boss

    Oops, why don't I ever post

    no that's ok
  17. boss

    wow you're still alive what

    wow you're still alive what
  18. boss

    basically what eddyokapi said! just gonna say your replies in that thread were pretty rad. some...

    basically what eddyokapi said! just gonna say your replies in that thread were pretty rad. some people, guh
  19. boss

    What was the last anime you watched before posting on this thread?

    final fantasy: unlimited and neon genesis evangelion chobi is so cute what! but penpen makes me rage
  20. boss

    oh gee whiz

    long time no post huh guys (i don't remember what image was here and it wasn't showing up, so i've edited this post!)
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