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Search results

  1. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Exo's other form is accepted. If everything isn't up by around three thirty, then it'll be up later tonight. Or tomorrow, if I can't get to the laptop at home hnn but here's a profile for you to all read in the meantime. there might be a second, might. Username: Shadow Dragon Name: Annabella...
  2. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    fdvseujtmfdv sorry about not being on and all had a lot of stuff going on and I didn't quite find a time to really get on seeing how all of you are still interested then of course this will continue possibly I'll try to get everything done by Friday fff i'm so sorry please don't get mad at me...
  3. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    hm Ah, the profiles are still all coming in good and awesome hnn Anyway, everyone's accepted again. As for Exo, I'd think as Cobalion being a minor, although I would think Genesect can fall either way. I guess whatever you'd think of it as.
  4. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU Oh dear what in the You guys with your awesome profiles ;~; Anyway. Everyone is so far accepted and reserved, Although MewMew, I'd like it if you'd take out from your character's abilities for communication between Pokemon and opening portals to and...
  5. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU whoa whoa what two pages Anyway, The three with their profiles finished (Lirris/Second of Cherry Bomb's/Coroxn) are accepted, everyone else is reserved. hopefully this means I can get the RP up and running soon hmmm
  6. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU okay then re-reserving Shaymin and Celebi And, of courses, Lirris is accepted as first wooo
  7. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU I guess if the companion is the Defender's Pokemon than sure I guess Hopefully this answers everything you need
  8. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU Erm. Basically if you want your guy to have Pokemon companions why is my wording so weird sometimes... Also Kyurem reserve get
  9. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU For a team for the Defender if so wishes i should probably edit that a bit hnn
  10. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU You only play as the Defender, not the Pokemon sorry if you would of wanted to, Thought that's just how it is -w-
  11. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU woot first two reserves I'll gladly put it all up, only within moments yes
  12. Shadow Dragon

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

    Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) Knowledge of the beginning is child’s play. From the youngest age, children know what had happened. In the beginning The Original One, Arceus, was born from a single egg made from nothingness. From Arceus, other Gods called Legendary Pokemon were born. Then from...
  13. Shadow Dragon

    Suddenly, Newbie. Everywhere.

    Hello there unknown member base that I hope won't kill me ahah... Well anyway. I'm known as Shadow Dragon, or SD for short, when it comes to most forums. Most forums include GTS+ and that is all .-. Most people think I'm old, though I tell you I'm still a young kid. I mostly take an interest...
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