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Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) [[SU Closed]]

Shadow Dragon

What am I even doing
(Catch Me If I Fall)

Knowledge of the beginning is child’s play. From the youngest age, children know what had happened. In the beginning The Original One, Arceus, was born from a single egg made from nothingness. From Arceus, other Gods called Legendary Pokemon were born. Then from Arceus came our universe and Earth. Populating this Earth were Humans and Pokemon, living in a perfect harmony. Arceus’ army of Legendaries served and aided him in the creation of the universe.

One of his firstborns, Dialga, was meant to be keeper of time. Meanwhile, its sibling, Palkia, was to be keeper of space. The third sibling, the demon dragon Giratina was to rule over the Underworld, keeping Death in check. Unlike Giratina’s ability of death, Ho-Oh, the mythical phoenix, was to not only calm the souls but to revive the dead and give it new shape. Its brother Lugia controlled the seas, creating and calming storms. Much like Lugia, Rayquaza watched over the Heavens with the ability to cancel out any storm, calming the land and sea – its siblings Groudon and Kyogre. Groudon created land while Kyogre created the sea.

Like how Groudon created land, Regigigas created its shape and form. From Regigigas came three golems to watch over the world while Regigigas went into an eternal sleep. First there was Regice, made from never-melting ice; Regirock, made from unbreakable clay; finally was Registeel, crafted from fiery magma. Much like how the Golems were to watch over the world, the Kami Trio had governed the lands, heavens, and between the two, lighting. These three were Tornadus, Landorus, and Thundurus.

Yet, some Legendaries were not made from Arceus. The Tao Trio is a main example. Long ago, Arceus once created a single Dragon Legendary. Yet, during a war that plagued one of Earth’s regions, this dragon was split into three. Reshiram represented yang and the truth one side wanted. Zekrom represented yin and the ideals the other side wanted. Finally, Kyurem is said to be what was left of the great Dragon, falling from the heavens in an ice covered meteorite. Kyurem is the absence of yin and yang – wuji. A second minor group, the Legendary Beasts, where revived by Ho-Oh after their original corpse were destroyed after their tower was burned. Raikou was to embody the lighting that struck the tower, Entei for the fire that burned it to ashes, and then Suicune for the rain that had put it out.

Meanwhile, other Legendaries Arceus created didn’t seem as important to man’s faith. Yet, each of them still has their powers. Shaymin created plant life from purifying polluted areas, while Celebi can time travel to restore any plant to perfect health. The Lake Guardians of Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf governed over Wisdom, Emotions, and Willpower respectively. The Lunar Duo Darkrai and Cresselia created nightmares and dreams, representing the new and full moon. Legendary Birds, a minor weather trio, were Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, governing over blizzards, thunderstorms, and flash fires.

Mew, meanwhile, was said to be the Legendary Arceus created all other Pokemon from. Jirachi is able to grant a single wish every one thousand years. Manaphy and Phione are guardians of the sea. Heatran lives within volcanoes, guarding and erupting them without a moment’s notice. Latios and Latias were born to signify a family’s relationships. Victini was born from man’s will to have freedom and justice. Meanwhile, the quartet of Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo were to protect Pokemon from man’s harm. Lastly, Meloetta was the incantation of music and dance, inspiring people though the ages.

Much like how many were made from Arceus, man has also created Pokemon that have earned their right to live among Legendaries. Mewtwo was born from Mew’s D.N.A., created for only evil purposes. Another was Genesect, a robotically enhanced ancient hunter that has been brought back to life. Like them, Deoxys was created when man messed with a meteorite from space, bringing the alien Pokemon to life.

Thus, each Legendary had started from somewhere. But before this all happened, before the world and even the Legendaries, something else had started. To a human or common Pokemon, from a single egg Arceus was born. But to the Legendaries, not one being was born from that egg, but rather two. This second God was unknown to man. Legendaries and even Arceus himself will not call him by name, preferring to call him “The Nameless One”.

Unlike Arceus, who could create life, The Nameless One was given the gift to cause death. As the world began, Arceus lived within the heavens; The Nameless One opted for the underworld. He watched as Arceus created other Legendaries. He watched as his brother created Earth and its occupants. He watched as every Legendary played their part in creation, even watching some as they fell.

As the first few years wore on, The Nameless One found something growing within him. At first, it was sadness. At his hands, everything withered and died. Then came envy - why should Arceus be the one that everyone loved? That made everything in the universe? Why couldn’t help? Why was he shunned away by everyone? Was it from who he was? Finally came hatred, one so deep that it burned like a blazing fire within The Nameless One. They all hated him; why not do the same back to them? Then the idea sprung. As Arceus would create life, The Nameless One would only destroy it.

From his own world, The Nameless One crafted souls from all the things he embodied. He began with Anger and Hate, something he was so used to. By this Nameless created demon, one that was with strength that could rival Regigigas, the strongest of all Legendaries. Next came Envy which soon became a long serpent that could wrap around the world and choke it. Than came Deceit, born from all the lies of the world, which formed to be a beautiful lady that could change her shape at will. As these emotions grew, Greed formed to a dragon-like creature, made from gems and stone with iron defenses. From a Fear Nameless knew would soon come, a shadow creature was created, forever shifting to a person’s worst nightmares. Pride became a handsome man, who was strong and intelligent, and could sway an entire army to his side. Finally, Death became a skeleton rider, his black horse with a deathly look.

As all together, these souls became Chaos itself – The Nameless One.

With these souls, as well as a trope of soulless demons raised from the underworld; The Nameless One stormed Earth with his army. From there, The Nameless One poisoned the world with all things evil that he could muster up. By the time Arceus and the Legendaries could arrive, it was too late to save the Earth. All they could do now is defend the rest from The Nameless One.

This war waged on for months, and even humans noticed it. Yet, in the end, The Nameless One was easily defeated by his brother. Arceus sealed The Nameless One in the deepest pits of the Underworld, sending Giratina to guard. The souls Nameless had created were sealed and scattered throughout the world. This was all in hopes that, one day, he would not rise again. Yet, Arceus created another failsafe – this time on the humans of his world.

Each human then received a special power from a certain Legendary. Their powers were simple and weak, but when put together, they created enough force of a single Legendary. At first, man was content with what they had. But as time grew on, the poisons The Nameless One put within the world were showing. Man began to be greedy, even killing one another for more power. Some even sought after their Legendary to gain even more power.

To Arceus’ dismay, he knew he had to end this. Thus, he took man’s power away. At first, they were very unhappy, but soon forgot about the ordeal. As this all passed, Arceus gave his Legendaries a single task. They were to pick out a single human and gift their power to them. Thus, a new brand of humans was born – Defenders. Defenders were gifted with extraordinary powers. These Defenders were much stronger than their ancestors due to having a little piece of soul of their guardian Legendary sealed inside of them. Why Arceus had wanted this, no one is quite sure of.

Each generation had a line of Defenders. Arceus hoped that they would defend their world and help and save it in the process. Some never knew of their powers, passing it off as if it were nothing. Some mastered their powers, going beyond the measures needed. Some Defenders became corrupt, others pure. Either way, they were Defenders, if they liked it or not.

Yet, unknowingly, The Nameless One has been slowly breaking the seal on its prison. Until fourteen years ago, that was. Humans had thought it was a mass string of murders. About forty people had been killed, without any connections to one another or any motives. But the Legendaries and Arceus knew better. These murdered men and women were Defenders, and the last of their lines. Thus, in frenzy, each Legendary had to locate a new human to entrust parts of their soul and powers to, no matter their soul at this point.

To many, odd powers were a shock. To others, anger for now being…different now. Some were even happy. Either way, the powers and duty of being a Defender was put on their shoulders. Some Legendaries had left them a message, other stayed, mostly minor Legendaries for Major Legendaries had too much to worry about, to aid their chosen with their new powers, or even came back after some time. Unknowing to them all, The Nameless One has been working to find these Defenders. Seeing how young they are, how new they are, The Nameless has been pursuing several to join his side. Now, many serve under The Nameless.

But as for you now?
It is your choice – to serve The Nameless One or to serve Arceus. To bring both chaos and destruction to the world or to bring hope and save the world.

It is your choice after all, young Defender.​

I. All normal GTS+ rules apply
II. No Godmodding/Bunnying/ect. Allowed
III. Try to spell and use grammar correctly. A few slip ups are okay, but don’t be doing anything too major.
IV. Like wise, no txt/chatspeak. It hurts everyone’s brains.
V. Two paragraphs per post, which would be at least six sentences each. No less, unless you are awaiting another RPer to post. But, at least try to keep it long enough.
VI. When using OOC chat in the RP, use either [[these]] or ((these))
VII. At least try to be active. Not post-every-day-active, but active enough in it.
VIII. Currently, two characters to a person. Only three characters if you can prove you can handle another, probably by showing a sample RP post.
IX. You can choose any Legend that has not been chosen by someone else
X. You can not be Arceus, obviously
XI. Like wise, the powers the Characters will get depend on their Legend. It must be related to that legend, in other words, and it can’t be very powerful. For example, with, say, Dialga. You could slow down time, maybe, speed it up, or even jump through time for a few short moments. Please, nothing more than that.
XII. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

---Some Things for Legendaries:

I. Mostly only Minor Legendaries will stick to a person, due to having fewer duties to fulfill than a Major Legendary. Think of Shaymin and a lesser, Giratina as a major.
II. Legendaries are able to connect, though dreams or rarely telepathy, to their Defender.
III. Legendaries stay in their region (Ex. Dialga in Sinnoh, Celebi in Johto, Meloetta in Unova) and their messages are weaker depending on how far their Defender is. For example, a Legendary from Unova may have a harder time communicating with their Defender if he/she was in, say, Kanto than a Legendary in Hoenn whose Defender is in, say, Sinnoh.
IV. A Legendary's Defender can be from out of the region, though, for say a Darkrai Defender in Kanto.
V. Communication can be ignored, possibly blocked off, if the Defender so wishes. But, knowing Legendaries, they will have different ways to communicate than dreams/telepathy.

Username: (Your online name. For continence.)
Name: (The character’s name. First and last required.)
Gender: (Male or Female. It’s simple)
Age: (Starts at sixteen, you should know when ‘too old’ is)
Hometown: (Where your character is from, and where they start)

Legendary: (The Legendary they received powers from)
Powers: (Their power. Give a solid description, and do not go over the top with them)
Side: (What side are they on? Evil for Nameless, Good for Arceus, Neutral if they have no side/don’t give a fuck.)

(Appearance of the character. Include anything you would need to add, like Height, Weight, Hair color, eye color, clothing, tattoos, birthmarks, ect. Two paragraph minimum.)

(Personality of the character. Are they shy? Brave? Maybe a bit weird? Add anything you can think of. Again, two paragraphs minimum.)

(The background of the character, starting at life to wherever it would end for now. Include their, er, ‘finding’ with their new abilities. Make sure to include any important events, as well as any major characters within their background. Three paragraphs minimum.)

Extra: (Anything else that you want to add?)

Pokemon: (Pokemon Team. Simple. Two to six, there’s a form below that you can use. Just copy and paste it as many times as you need)

(Pokemon Species, simple enough)
Nickname: (Make it sensible and easy to read and whatnot, please.)
Gender: (Easy, no?)
Ability: (The Pokemon’s Ability. Please, try to post the description/effect/whatever of the Ability so there’s no need to look them up)
Nature: (Basically the personality. You can make it described by a few words or a paragraph, I really don’t care.)
Moveset: (A list of moves, four at most. Only egg moves and level up moves, please.)

I. Annabella Willows / Regigigas / Neutral / Shadow Dragon
II. Jirachi ~ Legendaryseeker99
III. Maya Grace / Shaymin / Good / Zapi
IV. Tyson Lenahan / Kyurem / Neutral/Evil / Exo-Raikou
V. Reshiram ~ Big Red Cherry Bomb
VI. Dr. Fritz Almsteadt / Vicitini / Neutral / Big Red Cherry Bomb
VII. Nanka Kurohari / Zekrom / Neutral/Good / Lirris
VIII. Miranda Hargrove / Cresellia / Good / Lirris
IX. Ghir Scath / Darkrai / Evil / Mad MOAI
X. Iarann Sliabh / Heatran / Evil / Mad MOAI
XI. Kyra Tsubasa / Entei / Good / Darksong
XII. Adam Breach / Palkia / Good / Coroxn
XIII. Moka Rosario / Giratina / Good / MewMew
XIV. Alec Mason / Dialga / Good / RespectTheBlade
XV. Desmond Farrell / Mesprit / Neutral / Zapi
XVI. Meloetta ~ Mendatt
XVII. Aura "Green" Demenchi / Celebi / Good / DarkAura
XVIII. Miaes "Mia" Arrows / Lugia / Neutral / Everglider
XIX. Aleid Koeman / Mew / Neutral/Evil / Littlestream
XX. Mewtwo ~ Legendofemo
XXI. Jake Serpentine / Suicune / Evil / DarkAura
XXII. Ethan Penner / Genesect / Neutral / Exo Raikou

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Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

I would like to reserve a Shaymin defender.
... I'm going to be gone for a while, so don't expect it, for, well... A while.
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

Wait a second, minor confusement that's probably the result of me missing something in the main post.

So do you play both the pokemon and his/her defender, or just the pokemon/defender depending on which you choose to play?
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

You only play as the Defender, not the Pokemon
sorry if you would of wanted to,
Thought that's just how it is
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

For a team for the Defender if so wishes
i should probably edit that a bit hnn
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

Basically if you want your guy to have Pokemon companions
why is my wording so weird sometimes...

Also Kyurem reserve get
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

... So could you play a Pokemon companion and someone else could be your defender? Just out of curiousity.

Also I know the feeling.
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

I guess if the companion is the Defender's Pokemon than sure I guess
Hopefully this answers everything you need
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU


May I reserve two slots, then? If so put me down for Reshiram and Victini. If not, just Reshiram.
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

In that case, if someone else decides they want to be Shaymin's defender before I get back, I'll just be Shaymin.
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

Reserve me Celebi, please.

EDIT: If the above post means Shaymin's defender is open, I'd like a reserve on that too
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

Username: Lirris
Name: Nanka Kurohari
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Hometown: Holly Town (A small town on the western coast of Sinnoh, where agriculture and fishing are the main resources)

Legendary: Zekrom
Powers: Able to cast electrical bolts from his hands, as well as complete immunity to electrical shocks of any sort. He can also levitate about twenty feet off the ground using electro-magnetic repulsion. Can also affect and manipulate electrical sources around him.
Side: Neutral/Leaning to Arceus

-Height: 6'
-Weight: 168 lbs
-Description: Nanka gained no physical traits from his gain of Zekrom's power. He has ivory white hair, a family trait, which he keeps somewhat messy, and sticking up a bit. His eyes are grey, essentially varying from green to blue, and any in between determined by unknown factors. He wears a small turquoise loop earring in his right ear. He has a toned physical build, but not all too hefty. He wears a white shirt over several scars from raising his pokemon, as well as a tattoo of a thunderbolt to signify his relationship with his foirst pokemon. He wears a fingerless biking glove on his right hand, and three iron rings on his left hand. His legs are scarred from burns and slash marks, and he wears blue jeans over them. To finish up, he wears somewhat heavy combat boots, which posses a number of small pockets. He also carrys a bag at his side, which contains his needed items.

Nanka is somewhat seclusive, prefering to be left to his thoughts, and isn't afraid to point this out to others. He's not exactly a sociable type, at least not anymore, as he had been when he was younger, however he is quite caring and gratly enjoys raising pokemon from youth to an experienced state, as well as breeding pokemon for others. In battle he keeps a calm and collected demeanour, and plays with strategies that can often surprise the opponent. If a freindship connection is made, he has a tendency treat that person much better than he usually would.

Nanka was born and raised in Holly town by his parents, his father Mike Kurohari, a world renowned breeder, and his mother, Jean Highfort, a five times Sinnoh Champion title holding trainer who retired to teach others advanced strategies. He was raised all around pokemon, and thus developed an inate understanding for each of them, not seeing them as a group, as individuals with their own unique personalities. Schooling saw little trouble for him before he began his adventure, of which he traveled across Sinnoh first, and managed place first in the league, with a record setting time for the finals, only 2 minutes.

His victory in Sinnoh quickly grabbed the media's attention, and soon he found hiommself taking breaks between each region so he could recupperate, and prepare to start fresh, as well as help on his fathers ranch. The next region he went through was Hoenn, where he managed to complete avoid the media that had fllowed him in Sinnoh, drawing no immensive attention to himself as he once again placed first in the League, and moved on to Unova, then Johto, and finally Kanto, completing his tour in ten years, raising five unique and powerful teams in the process. Afterwards he settled back home, taking over his father's ranch so that his parents could go on vacation.

Nanka inherited a resort in Undella Town from his great uncle after his great uncle passed away, and began making trips there from time to time, but would most often be found in Holly Town, where he helped others raise their pokemon, and bred condition specific pokemon for others. Nanka found himself the target of Zekrom's need to pass on a part of his soul when Nanka was on one of his trips to his Villa in Undella, and confronted Nanka, not explaining the situation, but simply forcing a part of its soul to him. This was clearly something new to Nanka, and it took him a little while to adjust to the fact that he now had these new abilities, but with the seclusion of his villa, as well as the aid of his closest freinds, he found a way to control them, and soon set back to his home in Holly Town, not knowing the reason of his confrontation with Zekrom, and what it all meant.

Nanka is best freinds with Miranda Hargrove (A potential Second Character)
Banks was the reigning Sinnoh champ following his victory and over the next four years, but relinquished the title to the next person over phone as he was busy in Unova and could not make his way back for a battle.

Pokemon: (Pokemon. Simple. Two to six, there’s a form below that you can use. Just copy and paste it as many times as you need)

Pokemon: Raichu
Nickname: Spatz
Gender: Male
Ability: Static (10% Paralyze on contact)
Nature: Spatz is playful, a bit of a goof, and finds it hard to take things seriously, but fights valiantly when the situation calls. He is also Nanka's first Pokemon. Spatz wears a black scarf made from an expert belt, as well as goggles.
EGON: Lonely
Moveset: Volt Tackle/Brick Break/Iron Tail/Feint

Pokemon: Weavile
Nickname: Ceria
Gender: Female
Ability: Pickpocket (Steals Item on contact)
Nature: Ceria is mischievous, and enjoys annoying her oopponents. She has a heated rivalry with another of Nanka's pokemon, but is thankful that the pokemon was not taken on this journey. She is in love with Zhiro. She has a scar over her eye that resembles the M pattern on a Zangooses belly, it was earned when she chalenged Zhiro for the first time, severly underestimating his abilities. She also wears a gold hoop earring in her right ear, and black latex sleeves.
EGON: Jolly
Moveset: Ice Punch/Night Slash/Brick Break/Attract

Pokemon: Zangoose
Nickname: Zhiro
Gender: Male
Ability: Immunity (No Poisoning)
Nature: Zhiro is the embodiement of Nanka's personality, but more laidback, and punishing opponents who figure they can do better than him. Zhiro wears an outfit that looks like this. (Not my art, but it's the best representation I've found)
EGON: Adamant
Moveset: Crush Claw/Close Combat/Night Slash/Disable

Pokemon: Lucario
Nickname: Ricolan
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus (No Flinching)
Nature: Ricolan is best regarded as the father of the team, as he is easily the most mature, and often finds himself saving the others from worse for wear situations. Despite all this he suffers a drawback, he's blind. Thus he uses Aura Sight in an excessive rate, which exhausts him drastiucally, luckily he saves it for battles, as his other senses are more than adequate for other situations. He is also an albino, possesing silvery white fur. Ricolan wears a Turquoise earring in his left ear, a memento from hius youth, as well as something he shares with his trainer.
EGON: Modest
Moveset: Aura Sphere/Psychic/Dark Pulse/Calm Mind

Pokemon: Scrafty
Nickname: Lirris
Gender: Male
Ability: Moxie (+1 Atk for every knocked out opponent he knocked out while in battle)
Nature: Lirris is laid back, but in a more slickster form than Zhiro's seemingly careless form. Lirris has a hot temper, and will often beat up opponents more than he should, often causing problems due to thuis. He's also a chronic smoker, and requires them in order to insure his genetically lazy immune system is periodically expected to do something, the ill effects of smoking are counteracted by a special berry blend Nanka devised. He also wears a pair of poker shades, and an expert belt to keep his 'pants' up.
EGON: Naughty
Moveset: Briock Break/Crunch/Fire Punch/Dragon Dance

Pokemon: Crobat
Nickname: Hermes
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus (No Flinch)
Nature: Hermes is the youngest of this group, being the son of one of the six Nanka used in Johto. This makes him massively ambitious, and often tries to do more than is expected of him. Despite this he is quite freindly, and will often try to help others, essentially being the anti-Crobat of Crobats. He is actually part of a team of three Nanka used frequently in the Battle Dome in Hoenn, and had developed a close bond to th other two, who are currently not present. Hermes bears a small black band with a purple stripe around his upper right wing, a band shared by his two closest freinds.
EGON: Naive
Moveset: Brave Bird/Cross Poison/Screech/Supersonic
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Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

okay then
re-reserving Shaymin and Celebi

And, of courses,
Lirris is accepted as first wooo
Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

Not nearly done my forms yet but wanna something up

Username: Flareth
Name: Cameron Bellamy
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hometown: Hearthome City, Sinnoh

Legendary: Celebi
Powers: Can move forward and backwards in time by only about a minute. She can also freeze time for around 30 seconds.
Side: Good


Personality: (Personality of the character. Are they shy? Brave? Maybe a bit weird? Add anything you can think of. Again, two paragraphs minimum.)

History: (The background of the character, starting at life to wherever it would end for now. Include their, er, ‘finding’ with their new abilities. Make sure to include any important events, as well as any major characters within their background. Three paragraphs minimum.)

Extra: (Anything else that you want to add?)

Username: Flareth
Name: Simon Vendar
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Hometown: Vermillion City, Kanto

Legendary: Shaymin
Powers: (Their power. Give a solid description, and do not go over the top with them)
Side: Evil

Appearance: (Appearance of the character. Include anything you would need to add, like Height, Weight, Hair color, eye color, clothing, tattoos, birthmarks, ect. Two paragraph minimum.)

Personality: (Personality of the character. Are they shy? Brave? Maybe a bit weird? Add anything you can think of. Again, two paragraphs minimum.)

History: (The background of the character, starting at life to wherever it would end for now. Include their, er, ‘finding’ with their new abilities. Make sure to include any important events, as well as any major characters within their background. Three paragraphs minimum.)

Extra: (Anything else that you want to add?)
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Re: Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall) OOC/SU

Can I have some more?


Here we are, form two:

Username: Lirris
Name: Miranda Hargrove
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hometown: Holly Town (A small town on the western coast of Sinnoh, where agriculture and fishing are the main resources)

Legendary: Cressilia
Powers: Ability to communcicate with others nearby through dreams. Able to create a Lunar Scythe from nothing.

-Height: 5' 4"
-Weight: 124 lbs
-Description: Miranda acquired a single pink strand of hair, falling over her face, from her acquiring Crewssilia's power/soul. Her hair, otherwise, is Brown, and often tied into a ponytail that goes down halfway along her back. She has bright blue eyes and wears no make-up, due to her natural beuaty. Miranda is built much like a pixie, or fairy, thin, and not much notable muscle, but with a fair bust. She wears a sky blue t-shirt over a leather reinforced shirt, and posseses a number of scratches and nicks along her arms. She wears a leather bracer on her right arm, and a pair of leather gloves. She wears pants that go up to just underneath her knees, and a pair black sandals on her feet. She has a tattoo of a rainbow coloured feather on her forearm, opposite of the bracer.

Personality: Miranda is kind-hearted and makes it her priority to show all that she deems worthy of it. She will help a freind, or ally, without a second thought. She knows how to take care of pokemon, and keep them in prime condition. She has qualms about battling, and often prefers to talk things over before resorting to a battle. Miranda's not extremely experienced at battling, but having only ever raised six pokemon, she knows how to use their strengths against opponents, if necessary. She is quite sociable, and can be often deemed the opposite of her best freind when it comes to social situations.

Miranda was born in Fortree city, but her parents quickly moved to Holly Town afterwards, due to be close freinds with Nanka Kurohari's parents, and feeling that the Town would be a safer enviroment to raise a child in than the treehouse laden city of Fortree. She would be raised by her farming parents, and quickly learned how berries and other plants would work.
When she turned ten Nanka had just finished in Unova, and decided to help her start her adventure, giving her a crate of six eggs, and sending her to see Professor Oak. Little did anyone, but Nanka, know, the crate contained an incubator, and upon arriving at Oak's lab, the six eggs simtaniously hatched, offering Miranda the only team she'd ever know. Inside the crate Miranda found several items to help her begin her journey, as well as a note instructing her to raise each of the six pokemon equally, and to show them equal amounts of affection. She began her journey across Kanto, then Johto, and finally Sinnoh over the cource of the next five years.

She would eventually come to a rest, feeling that she should begin her true calling, working as a pokemon doctor, healing, tending, and helping pokemon out of a small clinic in Jubilife, often returning to Holly Town to watch over Nanka's ranch when he was away. One night she'd come to the ocean shore to be confronted by Cressilia, who explained that, in order to help save all pokemon, Miranda would have to inherit part of Cressilia's soul. Miranda was somewhat wary, and didn't fully understand what that meant until a couple nights later she found herself in one of her pokemon's dreams, and had a lengthy conversation that hekped her understand that one much better than she could ever had before.

Miranda is best freinds with Nanka Kurohari


Pokemon: Swellow
Nickname: Avery
Gender: Male
Ability: Scrappy (Normal/Fighting hits Ghosts)
Nature: Avery is an air-head, who literally has his head in the clouds. According to one of Miranda's dream trips, she discovered that Avery is an avid poet, and singer, apparantly having inhereted his maternal Grandfather's singing ability. In a relationship with Vinny. Avery also posseses abnormally larger wings, and is capable of extremely extended flight, equivilant to that of a Fearow of Crobat.
EGON: Hasty
Moveset: Brave Bird/Facade/Steel Wing/Supersonic

Pokemon: Staraptor
Nickname: Vinny
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate (Lowers opponents atk by two stages)
Nature: Vinny is a dedicated battler, and often finds herself resenting Miranda's pacifist nature, something Miranda learned from a dream encounter. Vinny is quite proud, but does not find herself superior to the rest, seeing them as all equals. In a relationship with Avery.
EGON: Naughty
Moveset: Brave Bird/Close Combat/Facade/Double Team

Pokemon: Braviary
Nickname: Gharnis
Gender: Male
Ability: Sheer Force (Bonus Damage if attack has secondary effect, removes secondary effect)
Nature: Gharnis has always been the kid of the group, having evolved last out of the six. He finds himself in a quandry if he is actually as useful as the rest say he is, and can be quite paranoid from time to time, something Miranda learned during a dream encounter. In a relationship with Anairre.
EGON: Adamant
Moveset: Crush Claw/Brave Bird/Rock Slide/Hone Claws

Pokemon: Pidgeot
Nickname: Annaire
Gender: Female
Ability:Keen Eye (Accuracy Cannot Be lowered)
Nature: Anairre is regarded as vain by the rest of the five, and often finds herself thinking she is better than the rest, simply because of her long flowing crest, and he rlarger size. In a relationship with Gharnis
EGON: Adamant
Moveset: Brave Bird/Facade/Thief/Roost

Pokemon: Fearow
Nickname: Darrace
Gender: Male
Ability: Keen Eye (Accuracy Cannot Be lowered)
Nature: Darrace is somewhat paranoid, and often the group watchman, having felt that he'd end up being useless post Gharnis evolving, but finding himself more useful then ever. Darrace enjoys performing aerial maneuvers, and often shows off his ability to fly for extended periods of time to the others. In a relationship with Xallia.
EGON: Lonely
Moveset: Drill Peck/Drill Run/Assurance/Facade

Pokemon: Noctowl
Nickname: Xallia
Gender: Female
Ability: Keen Eye (Accuracy Cannot be lowered)
Nature: Easily the most intelligent of the group, Xallia is also the least on top of things, and often finds the actions of others in her group surprising. She admittedly enjoys listening to Avery sing, and watching Darrace fly. In a relationship with Darrace
EGON: Mild
Moveset: Uproar/Psychic/Air Slash/Hypnosis
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