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Search results

  1. C

    clearpikmin vs Zapi

    go coral!
  2. C

    clearpikmin vs Zapi

    okay, use... EXPLOSHIN!!!
  3. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  4. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  5. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  6. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    ick. but okay.:freaked:
  7. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    eh, i like sandslash more. but...okay.
  8. C

    clearpikmin vs Zapi

    use shadow ball. use explosin if your health or energy hits 10% or less unless he uses protect. if he uses protect, chill. SHADOW BALL/CHILL/EXPLOSINx3
  9. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  10. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  11. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    i mispelled Kirlia(the pokemon)
  12. C

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    i'll go to the forest with...uh...( i know i have something with flash...)...ah, krilla!
  13. C

    pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

    are you sure? i think i see some water pokemon on the odther side...
  14. C

    pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

    after that, a snorlax lays down in your path, blocking the way back.
  15. C

    clearpikmin vs Zapi

    it will be hard to inflict damage, so toxic. then shadow ball to try to inflict spechel damage. TOXIC-SHADOW BALL-SHADOW BALL
  16. C

    pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

    after that, a pidgey and a bidoff atack!
  17. C

    pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

    you do, but it gets a peck in. then you run into a rattatta.
  18. C

    pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

    as you are running to the briges, a tailow leaps out of a bush at you.
  19. C

    pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

    i'll let you get one later, but no unova pokemon for now. eating the grass, your flame burns a bit brighter. you head out a door. you see some bridges, and someone yelling.
  20. C

    would you mind if i contact you when i update the rp?

    would you mind if i contact you when i update the rp?
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