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pokemon mystery dungeon: the universe of pokemon

Littini: *Try to mix the yellow and red gems to make an orange gem.*
you're not sure if it works, because in a flash of light, you teliport to a new room with a pikachu, mareep, cindaquill, and chimchar.
Littini: *Sees the cyndaquil flame about to go ou and light it with a flamethrower.*
your not a litwick yet. this part determens what pokemon you are. but we can pretend you have a flametrower.:p
useing your flametrower, you try to help the cindaquill, but the second you do, a flash happens and you appear in a room that's pitch black, exepet for a diming light.
Littini:*Look for more gems and mix as much as possible, then go away from the light*
you look for gems, but you don't see any! then the light fades, and you fall asleep.
you wake up, and realize that you're a cindaquill! you find out your in a room made of red grass..
(But i wanted litwick!!! =( )

Littini:*eat grass and get stronger fire powers*
i'll let you get one later, but no unova pokemon for now.
eating the grass, your flame burns a bit brighter. you head out a door. you see some bridges, and someone yelling.
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