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Search results

  1. Karousever


    Only 5 confirmed cases in Missouri right now, so that's good. My little brother's off school until April-something, definitely a week or two in. My mom's had a foot injury (to keep a very long story short) so she hasn't been able to drive, she's been working from home for 6 weeks now. Former...
  2. Karousever

    A WILD PIZZA APPEARED! (Flora vs Murkrow vs Karousever)

    Ah sorry friends. I'm late, but here's commands anyway: Alright Ryder, I'm worried about your ability to actually do anything, but we'll try. First, use Sand Attack on Isolde. Then follow up with Captivate on both your opponents if you can. Lastly, use Crunch on Guraigu. See? Nice and simple...
  3. Karousever

    A WILD PIZZA APPEARED! (Flora vs Murkrow vs Karousever)

    Haha whoops sorry, thanks. Alright, let's keep this pretty simple. Ryder, I want you to use Fury Cutter three times in a row, first time against Isolde, then Guraigu, and then Isolde again. However, if you miss on the first action, then switch to using Mud Shot on Guraigu, then Rock Tomb on...
  4. Karousever

    A WILD PIZZA APPEARED! (Flora vs Murkrow vs Karousever)

    Okey-dokey, Ryder. I realize we're on a pizza, but I want you to try to use Rock Slide. Maybe you can launch some toppings or something? Try to hit both of your opponents with it if you can, but if you can't, prioritize hitting Isolde. What a lovely name, by the way. Anyway, if there's nothing...
  5. Karousever

    A WILD PIZZA APPEARED! (Flora vs Murkrow vs Karousever)

    Oooh I am excited! Let's go with...Ryder! It has been a long time since I've done this...
  6. Karousever

    Challenge Board

    yes i consent to being conscripted into this battle
  7. Karousever

    I am a celebrity bodyguard?

    Very good to hear, I'm super glad things are looking up for you!
  8. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Aaaaand I got the Shiny Charm :) Actually, I got it two days ago. But I got it :D
  9. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm only 35 pokemon away from completing my dex (enough to get the Shiny Charm, anyway) and I've never done this before so I'm super excited!
  10. Karousever


    I had a rather disturbing dream last night. I was with my grandparents, and we were visiting some sort of park? But like, think of like a national park, not a frisbee-with-your-dog park. Anyway, I guess all of a sudden zombies existed, because I noticed we were walking down a set of stairs...
  11. Karousever

    How did you find out about this site?

    I was most likely googling something Pokemon-related, who knows.
  12. Karousever

    Two truths and a lie

    It better be #1 >:(
  13. Karousever

    Best Stream Host 10/10 would impersonate Eifie again

    Best Stream Host 10/10 would impersonate Eifie again
  14. Karousever

    Johari Windows!

    Hey friends! So I know I've not been super duper active on the forums so maybe some of you would have a hard time doing mine, but hopefully I have enough of a presence in the Telegram chat that some of the people there would be willing to try mine! Johari Nohari
  15. Karousever

    TCoD Member Alignment Chart

    I could only imagine where I'd wind up on one of these charts.
  16. Karousever

    I already said happy birthday in the Telegram chat but HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLORA :D

    I already said happy birthday in the Telegram chat but HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLORA :D
  17. Karousever

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    I adore Alolan Raichu. I've loved Raichu ever since HGSS when I brought a Pikachu up from my LeafGreen version and trained and evolved him. I love that single Raichu so much, out of every pokemon in all of my games she is my favorite, and now they add an Alolan form which gives Raichu my second...
  18. Karousever

    How did you get into Pokemon?

    Oh gosh I can't even give a concrete memory of getting into it, it was just all around me when I was little. Apparently I watched the show plenty as a toddler and I had Pokemon the Movie 2000 on VHS. You know how little kids can watch a movie a thousand times, even back to back, and not get sick...
  19. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Been seeing a counselor lately, and I really think she's going to help. Even if I don't do well with her suggestions (because that part's on me), it feels nice to talk things out with an unbiased adult who is trained to listen to me and be non-judgmental. Also this part has been going on for a...
  20. Karousever

    Favourite Internet Memes

    Yes exactly. I don't know why that particular meme tickled me so much.
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