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Search results

  1. Scohui

    Hello after 10 years lmao

    if this is about me saying TCoD you might wanna check the big ol banner on top of this forum :) (The Cave of Dragonflies)
  2. Scohui

    the answer was yes I'm definitely ok

    the answer was yes I'm definitely ok
  3. Scohui

    Hello after 10 years lmao

    OK so there's absolutely no reason for anyone to remember me and I'll be honest I've recognized like 1 person (aside from the owner of this forum/website which I honestly cannot believe it is still updated after this long) Anyway, hi, I'm Scohui, Sco for short and easier to type, and TCoD is...
  4. Scohui

    Eeyup, nothing changed

    Eeyup, nothing changed
  5. Scohui

    Pretty pony

    Pretty pony
  6. Scohui

    How have you been?

    How have you been?
  7. Scohui

    Wow...when was the last time I came here?

    Wow...when was the last time I came here?
  8. Scohui

    Shed? No. Never.

    Shed? No. Never.
  9. Scohui

    If the bucket is bottomless, how can it store anything inside?

    If the bucket is bottomless, how can it store anything inside?
  10. Scohui

    I will taste the rainbow.

    I will taste the rainbow.
  11. Scohui

    Thank you, good sir! It is indeed some fever I got.

    Thank you, good sir! It is indeed some fever I got.
  12. Scohui

    I think it was adventure camp. Just me and my friends. No parents. When we left, we all got...

    I think it was adventure camp. Just me and my friends. No parents. When we left, we all got nicknames. I'm Mr. Flow (Because I weared sunglasses 80% of time) So, are we moving on with email thingy?
  13. Scohui

    Mmm...I like the idea... (BTW I went to summer camp thus why I haven't been here)

    Mmm...I like the idea... (BTW I went to summer camp thus why I haven't been here)
  14. Scohui

    I think I saw Seth coming this way... Do you know any hiding spells or do I need to call an adult?

    I think I saw Seth coming this way... Do you know any hiding spells or do I need to call an adult?
  15. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Yay! Internet! I missed you soooo much!
  16. Scohui

    You have no idea. >:| I could give you a metaphor of what I'm feeling, but you will have to...

    You have no idea. >:| I could give you a metaphor of what I'm feeling, but you will have to WAIT for it.
  17. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I finally finished reading FO:E. Biggest thing I ever read.
  18. Scohui


  19. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    First, my computer is now fixed. Yay! Second, I was already using my computer for pony and my brother was approaching my room. I tried to close the page, but since I had two tabs open, the page didn't close and instead the "Do you want to close all tabs?" message appeared. The fwee part of...
  20. Scohui

    Well...I have to go now. Be right back.

    Well...I have to go now. Be right back.
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