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Search results

  1. Sokka217

    Activity pit of doom

    If we need any extra hands doing something, I'm avaliable! ^_^' I've been getting involved in some table top RPGs lately, so if we ever brought ASB back, I could help with that (I did do some of that when I was active a year ago >.>), I do artsy stuff.. Uh.. ..I do animating.. Uh.. Yeah. Not...
  2. Sokka217

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    So everybody's uncloaking and taking off their disguises huh? Okay. My turn. :D WARNING: I have really crazy hair :D I HAVE TWO PIECES OF EVIDENCE. TADAAAAA.
  3. Sokka217

    I'm baaaaack. Yaaaay.

    So hai guys. Everybody go thank jaketiger1116 for getting me back on here. c: Uhhh... Yeah so I'm Sokka. I was here before. But my internet is a bully and will "Mak u cry". But. Now I'm back. So hi everybody. :D Uh.. Well if you didn't know, uh, I'm 16, going on 17. Teehee. I play a lot of PC...
  4. Sokka217

    The Challenge Board

    This be my first time posting a challenge, let's hope I did this right. e_e 1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: 1 week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's, Any moves that change abilities, such as Worry Seed. Arena: Kishin Asura's Prison Deep under the Death Weapon Meister Academy, more commonly known...
  5. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ...*strokes chin* I need to think about my moves carefully... ...It's getting close. Alright. First off, hit him with Hydro Pump, and then use Brine, but if he digs down, use Rain Dance! Then, if he's above ground, use Scald, but if he's underground, just Chill in the cool rain. Hydro Pump ~...
  6. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Hmph, ready Ravage? Let's cool things down a bit! Use Ice Beam twice, then use Blizzard! Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Blizzard
  7. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ..Your sacrifice will not have been in vain, buddy.. *Nods* Alright, let's do it for Vincent! Come on out, Ravage! Let's hopefully dampen his chances of winning by using Rain Dance! Then, use Water Spout, but if he uses something to stop it from raining, use Rain Dance again! Finally, use Iron...
  8. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ...Vincent... What I'm about to ask you to do, isn't an act of betrayal. It's an act of honor. Not the sick kind of honor, the real honor. The honor that you would be willing to give it all for your friend. If given the chance, I would do this for you. I'm not asking you to do this as a...
  9. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Oh. Well. Uhm. We didn't finish it that round. Still, spectacular job Vincent! You know what I think we should do?... *rolls up sleeves and points across field* GIVE THEM AN ENCORE!!! (No not the move D:) This will surely do it! Use Night Slash once again! So what if you didn't get any more...
  10. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    *Flips hair out of eyes in a slow-motion awesome effect* ALRIGHT VINCENT, LET'S FINISH THIS! First, use Screech, make it loud! Remember how annoying and painful it was when SHE did it when you were trying to relax? Show her how SHE likes it when HER rest is interrupted! Then, remember last...
  11. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ...Should've expected something to hurt me that round with my luck... *fumes* First off, get very close to the walls so little to no splash damage will hit you if Mariana shoots anything down there again, and Chill. Then, I want you to Dig up and strike her from below, hard. Stay on your guard...
  12. Sokka217

    Being an Idiot

    HEEEYYY SOKKA'S BACK. About the pronunciations: If you ask me, it's a potato, potahto kind of thing. I mean, sure, it's going to be a tad annoying hearing some fail kid come along saying Pikachu like "Pike-achoo", but hey, at least we know he's talking about Pikachu and not Rayquaza or...
  13. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Ooohhh boy this should be fun. Hey Vincent, let's dodge all of his attacks and use Dig, but once you've done your tunneling down, make a nice room for you to be able to move around in. Then, once you're down there, use Hone Claws twice. Dig (Down) ~ Hone Claws ~ Hone Claws
  14. Sokka217

    Little bit. :(

    Little bit. :(
  15. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    Vincent.. ..Uh, none of that went as expected.. Sorry, my bad on it being so dark, should have thought of that. Well uh, just use Screech down into the hole. And make it as loud and as high pitched as you can, I want it to really echo down in there. Next, I want you to use Toxic if she...
  16. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ...*fumes* It's alright Vincent. Punishment missed. But now, we're going to drown her in her sorrows. Trot your way on over to her hole where she hides, and use Acid Spray into it, so she's sitting in a nice, pool of sizzling acid. Then, crawl into the hole and make sure you have her in your...
  17. Sokka217

    Being an Idiot

    I have several I'd like to mention. >.> 1. Back in my days of playing Sapphire (Which was when I first got my Gameboy around the age of 5), I found... THE MASTER BALL. "Ooh, what's this thing do!? I must test it out! :D" So I trotted off into the grass. A WILD ZIGZAGOON APPEARED. GO MASTER...
  18. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ...Well done Vincent. I'm so proud. *evilly grins* Again. Hit her with Swagger! Then.. ..It's time for you to get your revenge. Use a sinister little move that we all know and love called Punishment. Then finish it off with Haze. We don't want that massively high attack stat coming to bite us...
  19. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    ...How dare you use poor Vincent. Vincent, I understand you think she's the one, but.. ..You saw what she did! She hurt you! She doesn't even care that she hurt you! Did you see that grin etch into her face as she saw you wince in pain? And she used a ground type move! A ground type! You...
  20. Sokka217

    jaketiger1116 vs. Sokka217

    (Noob here, hope I'm doing this right e_e) Hmm... Alright my stinky buddy Vincent, let's see what you got! Mmhmm, trying to keep you on your toes. So, let's start off with a messy SmokeScreen, followed by Toxic, and let's really make a sight with Venoshock! SmokeScreen ~ Toxic ~ Venoshock
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