• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Search results

  1. Manaphy72

    Alright! Thank you so much.

    Alright! Thank you so much.
  2. Manaphy72

    hello! How are you?

    hello! How are you?
  3. Manaphy72

    Hello. How are you?

    Hello. How are you?
  4. Manaphy72

    Im new to Dragonfly!

    Oh I am sorry for my mistake and thank you very much!
  5. Manaphy72

    Im new to Dragonfly!

    well thank you everyone who has gave me a warm welcome to Dragonfly Caves! I cannot wait until I get more around on the forums and I am going to enjoy this to the full extent! I just wanted to ask one more thing. When people create or join a club can they moderate it. Example: Lets say I...
  6. Manaphy72

    Likewise, I was up until 3:00 am. on the forums!

    Likewise, I was up until 3:00 am. on the forums!
  7. Manaphy72

    Oh I am sorry. I am actually quite fine thank you very much! Do you need help with anything?

    Oh I am sorry. I am actually quite fine thank you very much! Do you need help with anything?
  8. Manaphy72

    It is quite alright! Well I see you are awake now. So how are you?

    It is quite alright! Well I see you are awake now. So how are you?
  9. Manaphy72

    Im new to Dragonfly!

    well thank you for recommending me to everywhere I like! I understand with the whole moderating thing, it happens to a lot of servers that have been up. I have a question. Is there an area for clan? If so, could you post a link or tell me where the specific forums is located. I can see you...
  10. Manaphy72

    Hi! I am new here and I noticed you were online! I just wanted to say I posted an introduction...

    Hi! I am new here and I noticed you were online! I just wanted to say I posted an introduction, no one has replied... but I still would like to talk to someone!
  11. Manaphy72

    Im new to Dragonfly!

    Hello there! My name is Manaphy72 aka Mana. I used to be apart of Serebiiforums but I just felt like I was not appreciated there so I am looking for a new forums to join. I spotted this one! Things about me well first off, I love graphic designing. I can say myself that I am actually quite...
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