• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Im new to Dragonfly!


New member
Hello there! My name is Manaphy72 aka Mana. I used to be apart of Serebiiforums but I just felt like I was not appreciated there so I am looking for a new forums to join. I spotted this one!

Things about me

well first off, I love graphic designing. I can say myself that I am actually quite good and would love to show my artistic side to a lot of you in the near future.
Another thing about me is I like centering things. I believe that centering paragraphs makes that paragraph look much more readable and professional.
It has always been a dream for me to become a moderator or even administrator of a Vbulliten forums but I came here for fun as well I presume. I have usually in my past forums met a lot of friends and very rarely get into arguments with anyone.

Things I do not like

I absolutely dread when someone is upset with me. I hate when I get a feeling that someone is mad or angry with me. I feel like I should run to there house, hug them, and apologize for something I have no clue on what I did. I really honestly am a kind person!
I also dislike when people "Play me over". A lot of people will be friend me, ask me to make them art or do something for them, and then never talk to me again. I cannot stand it and I just wish those people would have taken time to know me. I absolutely cannot stand show offs. I am so sorry, but when people are always bragging and bragging about there Rate My Team or there New Role Play Game, It bothers me a lot.​

Things I do like

I like people who like me the way I am. I do not typically get mad or upset with anyone, and if I do it is not over a ridiculous problem. I like to know that people respect me for who I am and they do not want to change me or try to "Play me over". I also like when I get a chance to talk to someone. It is nice to be friends with a person that likes to "Chat" or "Discuss". I like doing favors for people. I love making art for people because I like it when people go "Thank you so much, it looks amazing!" it makes me feel accomplished.​

Well That is a little bit about me and I hope that sooner or later I will meet a nice person that will just Type my eyes out.​

Thank you,
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Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Superbird, a member of the welcoming committee here and also the resident bird enthusiast. Can I get you anything? Tea and Cod? Coffee and Salmon? Orange Juice and Crabs?

Small jokes aside, I suppose I should educate you about this place. If you really like graphic designing we've got just the thing for you. In the Artwork forum you can open your own art gallery to show everyone. You can also make request shops in the adjacent forum if so inclined. If you like chatting and discussing, I would recommend Misc. Discussion and Serious Business, although the latter does get rather intense at time, so be aware of that. And I absolutely implore you to check out Anime-style battling, which is one of the most fun things on the forum IMHO.

As for your 'want to be a VB moderator' request: I truthfully doubt that would happen here. But every so often in the Advertising forum we get people who want to start up a forum, and mods are pretty much first-come first-served.

That said, it was nice meeting you and I really hope to see you around. Ciao!
well thank you for recommending me to everywhere I like! I understand with the whole moderating thing, it happens to a lot of servers that have been up. I have a question. Is there an area for clan? If so, could you post a link or tell me where the specific forums is located.

I can see you have a sense of humor! I actually like people with humor and they are not always so serious.

Thank you,
. Is there an area for clan? If so, could you post a link or tell me where the specific forums is located.


But enjoy your stay here! To your left you will find a foam sword.
Eat it.
But every so often in the Advertising forum we get people who want to start up a forum, and mods are pretty much first-come first-served.
Yep, I joined a forum started up by a member of this forum and since I was the 4th member, I got to be a mod.

Anyway, hi. Have a foam sword, tea, cod, liquid pie or swordfish.
well thank you everyone who has gave me a warm welcome to Dragonfly Caves! I cannot wait until I get more around on the forums and I am going to enjoy this to the full extent! I just wanted to ask one more thing. When people create or join a club can they moderate it.

Example: Lets say I create a club called "Fifth Generation Fans" and People want to join. Do I have the power to deny members from joining and grant them the power to join? Or can only moderators do that?

Thank you,
Hello! I'm I liek Squritles, resident Squirtle lover. Call me ILS, Squirtles, or anything else. To your right, Anime Style Battling, Safari Zone, Mafia and a bunch o' other stuff. And, um, it's not Dragonfly Caves. It's Cave of Dragonflies. :D
Welcome to the forums!

If you don't mind me asking, what was/is your username on Serebii? I might remember you.
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