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Search results

  1. Kronos

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    I might keep a pet Arbok with me. Yeah for cobras. Also, a Shinx would make a nice cat, though for dogs I might keep a Mightyena.
  2. Kronos

    Hello there. Cool name you have. I am Kronos. I love that name, Bulbamew. lol

    Hello there. Cool name you have. I am Kronos. I love that name, Bulbamew. lol
  3. Kronos


    I shall make a contract with you. Here's the deal. You destroy the contract paper and I won't use Roar of Time to wipe out eternity. (lol)
  4. Kronos

    Blazer, your online now!!! Awesome. I just caught ya in time. Hello

    Blazer, your online now!!! Awesome. I just caught ya in time. Hello
  5. Kronos

    (sign-ups) Quest of the Demigods (Pokemon Crossover)

    (My first Roleplay here. Yay) This is a Pokemon Crossover of the Percy Jackson series. A group of demigods, or sons/daughters of legendary Pokemon, must band together to stop an unseen enemy from unleashing the legendary Pokemon. Do the demigods stand a chance against them or will their parents...
  6. Kronos

    Hey, Darkaura!!! (sorry for the late reply. I can't get on on the weekends) Glad to see your on...

    Hey, Darkaura!!! (sorry for the late reply. I can't get on on the weekends) Glad to see your on Tcod as well.
  7. Kronos

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Blaziken is so awesome. Its one of my fav fighting types, though Dewott is also cool. I can imagine a battle between those two.
  8. Kronos

    Can Samurott really stand on two feet?

    I have always loved Oshawott and Dewott, but hated Samurott. Reason: His design was so weird. Yet, upon researching him, I was given hints that this horse-mutant thingy can stand on two feet and fight like a giant samurai. I am not sure, however, if thats true or if its just fans of Samurott...
  9. Kronos

    Acronym Game

    Dan and Andrew can open portals into Hades DRAACO
  10. Kronos

    Daily Move Discussion

    Yeah, Razor Shell is awesome. This has been a great discussion. No doubt this type of discussion is what the creator of this thread was looking for.
  11. Kronos

    Acronym Game

    Secret Energy can only prove American Value WHOOF
  12. Kronos

    Daily Move Discussion

    Yeah. I was always told that Samurott stands on two feet at times, but I doubt it. He probably just swings that big chunk of whatever that is on his head.
  13. Kronos

    Acronym Game

    Supreme Resting Intitiative CHRONO
  14. Kronos

    Daily Move Discussion

    I guess so. *_* I still love the move. It is way too awesome. (especially when Dewott performs it)
  15. Kronos

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    Electra Ball is awesome. Though he should have switched out Quick Attack, if you ask me. In the Hoenn, Volt Tackle won all. I remember Pikachu's cry as well. Pikapikapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikachu or something like that.
  16. Kronos

    Daily Move Discussion

    Aha, researched it. Shell Blade is the Japanese name for Razor Shell. PROOF: http://www.psypokes.com/dex/techdex/534
  17. Kronos

    Daily Move Discussion

    I think it goes by two names (I think...) I know in the Anime its called Razor Shell, but in some games I play, its Shell Blade. Maybe Shell Blade is the stronger form of Razor Shell.
  18. Kronos

    Awesome!!! I think Dialga can definately beat Palkia. Do you like mythology as well? I like to...

    Awesome!!! I think Dialga can definately beat Palkia. Do you like mythology as well? I like to study the legends behind Pokemon.
  19. Kronos

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    Yeah, that Volt Tackle-Electro Ball switch was stupid. I must say that.
  20. Kronos

    Rate the Signature above you!

    8/10 Nice randomness, I must say. Commenting on the farfetchd one, nice quote at the bottom
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