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Search results

  1. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

  2. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  3. Amala


    Pretty simple game. Just take your face. Put it over your keyboard. Collide face with keyboard at high velocity. Put the results here. Note, I, not tcod are responsible for any injuries induced by playing this game. My results? Ow, I did it twice that time.
  4. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because only Sith Lord believes in absolutes.
  5. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for agreeing with my sock monkey.
  6. Amala

    Acronym Game

    GEAHBDS German eggs are hard boiled dog shit. RYTHSFD
  7. Amala

    2012 US Presidential Election

    I'm too young to vote, but if i could I'd vote for Obama. It just makes more sense.
  8. Amala

    Suggestions daikonpiki

    I love the Pidgeot!
  9. Amala

    that one guy who never posts anymore or something

    All of those are awesome. The second one made me laugh a bit at the Feraligator's expression.
  10. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because socks.
  11. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

    Laundry basket....
  12. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because Wobbuffet is broken.
  13. Amala

    Misreadings and stuff

    ^Mugging monkeys in plaster.
  14. Amala

    Suggest Movies for Me

    If you haven't seen this already DO IT. DO IT NOW. MY NAME IS...
  15. Amala

    You're bannned, so now you can get this walking carpet out of my way! WOOKIE!

    You're bannned, so now you can get this walking carpet out of my way! WOOKIE!
  16. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for excusing monkeys from detention.
  17. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because nanananananananana BATMAN.
  18. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for unexisting.
  19. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

  20. Amala

    The silence game

    *puts a hat on next poster*
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