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Search results

  1. BOOM! Headshot

    *sits on a lightning rod*

    Welcome to the forum. I'm going to carefully ignore most of the previous post (since I don't get the reference), but I'll join Visitor in hoping that you enjoy it here. Peculiarly, despite the big notification saying otherwise, I have yet to come across anyone referring to either tea or cod...
  2. BOOM! Headshot

    When Tingle first showed up in Majora's Mask, he had a few lines which seriously bugged most of...

    When Tingle first showed up in Majora's Mask, he had a few lines which seriously bugged most of the Zelda fandom outside of Japan. To be honest, Japan is about the only place where he's liked and taken in the context he was meant to be taken. Everywhere else, he seems to be a bit... Hmm...
  3. BOOM! Headshot

    Mixin' Pokédrinks

    Re: Mixin' Pokédrinks I think that's what makes it a perfect Jolteon; its Static ability tends to leave things paralytic.
  4. BOOM! Headshot

    Dolphins save suicidal girl.

    I'm not sure that's a factor. If a dolphin saw other swimmers as competition here, surely it'd be attacking the other dolphins nearby. Besides, the story implies that they had to swim quite a way to get to her, if the researchers had to increase speed 'to keep up'. It also implies that they...
  5. BOOM! Headshot

    Dolphins save suicidal girl.

    Read the full article here. I read things like this, and I wonder exactly why no studies have been organised to investigate this type of phenomena. Stories have been circulating for centuries about dolphins rescuing people out to sea, and they are always anecdotal. This one is no exception...
  6. BOOM! Headshot

    You gave me rep for a post, and I'm thanking you for it. That's all. :)

    You gave me rep for a post, and I'm thanking you for it. That's all. :)
  7. BOOM! Headshot

    Of course I have! I've played almost every game in the Zelda franchise, starting with Ocarina of...

    Of course I have! I've played almost every game in the Zelda franchise, starting with Ocarina of Time. To be honest, I like Majora's Mask because any game which unleashes Tingle on the world has to be slightly evil, which adds to the overall disturbing-ness. Additionally, I don't pay attention...
  8. BOOM! Headshot

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I think he played Kickass, which was some excellent acting, btw. Seriously, though, I do think he has the same hairstyle. It's uncanny.
  9. BOOM! Headshot

    So, a few years ago, I was playing the original PS2 version of Okami, and I ended up thinking to...

    So, a few years ago, I was playing the original PS2 version of Okami, and I ended up thinking to myself "This is better than Zelda". Of course, I immediatey felt guilty about even thinking such blasphemy, but there you go. It... kind-of bumped Majora's Mask into joint-number-one, because I've...
  10. BOOM! Headshot

    Super Smash Bros 4

    You know just what to say to make me feel completely inadequate as a gamer. D:
  11. BOOM! Headshot

    That was a rather unexpected and pleasant surprise. Thank you. :)

    That was a rather unexpected and pleasant surprise. Thank you. :)
  12. BOOM! Headshot

    TCoD Member Headcanons

    I'd really like to meet Music Dragon, although going by this thread I imagine a boat and a loudhailer would be involved. Oh, excuse me. I haven't been here long enough to get to know you all properly. It means I don't have anything to add, except my enjoyment of the thread.
  13. BOOM! Headshot

    ... Well, that's me speechless. Congratulations; you've achieved a first. :)

    ... Well, that's me speechless. Congratulations; you've achieved a first. :)
  14. BOOM! Headshot

    Super Smash Bros 4

    What, there's another Smash Bros. coming out? But I haven't properly finished Brawl yet! D:
  15. BOOM! Headshot

    Mixin' Pokédrinks

    Re: Mixin' Pokédrinks This is why you make alcoholic things for everybody else. Play bartender for an evening and let your creativity flourish, while assuring people that you wouldn't be able to catch the bottles if you were to drink your own cocktails and it'd be a waste of good alcohol. Then...
  16. BOOM! Headshot

    The "Fwee" Thread

    SO LUCKY! I'm so insanely jealous. Try the mushrooms. I hear they make the breakfasts in that part of Europe just divine. Honestly, it must be something in the compost in that part of the world.
  17. BOOM! Headshot

    Mixin' Pokédrinks

    Re: Mixin' Pokédrinks It's never actually occurred to me that people would mix drinks based on pokemon. Is a Suicune blue-and-purple layered with a dash of white? Or is the actual look of the cocktail secondary to the taste and the names of the ingredients? Would a Ghost pokemon resemble the...
  18. BOOM! Headshot

    If Wishes Were Real

    Exactly. That's why I think the system where a person's mind is transported to a different alternate universe every time they wished would be far too impractical to work. All you'd need is one wrong wish, and the entire boiling mess would unravel to the point where things would likely cease to...
  19. BOOM! Headshot

    Pokemon headcanons thread: "There are kids present, but the forum rules also feature at the very...

    Pokemon headcanons thread: "There are kids present, but the forum rules also feature at the very start a note that the forum makes no effort to be entirely kid-friendly and children are advised to show discretion in what they view. Since this thread is not marked as mature you'd be best off...
  20. BOOM! Headshot

    If Wishes Were Real

    Assume an average of about fifteen wishes per second. Now assume the same for every other universe all at the same time and you very quickly reach the point where numbers don't make sense, and you're playing catch-up with the math. Fifteen is an arbitrary number that sounds 'about right', by...
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