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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    Double Fine Adventure

    I did a quick search and didn't find a topic about this, apologies if there actually is one! Anyway -- this is about the recent kickstarter project hosted by Double Fine productions to fund a good old fashioned point-and-click adventure game, which most publishers (apparently) dismissed as a...
  2. Furiianda

    The Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Club.

    Er... huh. I have maybe played a few games with the cards (back when they were new)... but I always loved the abridged series!! Man it's great. I first saw it about 5 years ago and probably would have no interest in the fandom without it, although, a lot of fans are like that apparently. (I...
  3. Furiianda

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club, take 2).

    For those of you impatient for the second Edgeworth game (or unconvinced it will ever be translated officially), this person is doing a YouTube captioned translation video series. And they seem to be doing a pretty good job of it too!
  4. Furiianda

    Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

    Very nice find, Chris. (And welcome back! ((: ) It's cute how even your current avatar really resembles your picture on there...
  5. Furiianda

    Classical Music

    Um, I have a lot of favourites or whatever... don't feel like naming them so I thought instead HERE have this website http://musopen.org/music because it's all free stuff donated by... people... most of it's classical anyway (some of them are pretty bad quality though, and it's got a daily...
  6. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7513431/1/Rainbow_Factory Try google next time? It was, like, the sixth or eighth result on the first page. There are also some "dramatic readings" on Youtube... (: EDIT: Wait, speaking of creepy pony stuff, was this game linked in here? Man that was frightening. )):
  7. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Oh, loved this episode. ((: Luna being awkward was very amusing, and the way she adjusted (eventually) to being a scary figure was nice. (and yeah Zecora WAS awesome) Why? She WAS kind of meek in her first appearance (as Luna), but as Nightmare Moon she sure was confident and she would have...
  8. Furiianda

    That One Fancomic Not About Yaoi

    Interesting backstory! I've seen some TF2 comics that just... don't follow the canon whatsoever and leaves you wondering why they even made a fancomic in the first place if they wanted to do that. So, guess I was afraid of that. ((: (Oh wait, I know why, it's for the yaoi) I'm glad you...
  9. Furiianda

    That One Fancomic Not About Yaoi

    Hmm, a surveyor is certainly not what I expected from the BLU engineer's father, I guess that I assumed his father would be like the both of... er... him and his grandfather, passing on the engineering profession and tools/munitions store from one generation to the next. So it'll be interesting...
  10. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    If you haven't seen this interview with Lauren Faust already, (possible spoilers or something) I'm guessing that is why ? I'm disappointed, too... but you gotta do what you gotta do, or, something.
  11. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Hm, makes me wonder exactly what Celestia knows, you know? tl;dr trollestia
  12. Furiianda

    League of Legends

    To save time I guess I will just tell you that she is on the NA server (I am also, but it's been like months since I played, idk too much stuff to do and everyone is off by the time I am home) as was pretty much everyone in that old thread I posted, I guess...? vOv (I didn't know people had...
  13. Furiianda

    ahahaha Please don't worry about that kind of thing (: And a happy un-birthday to you...

    ahahaha Please don't worry about that kind of thing (: And a happy un-birthday to you...
  14. Furiianda


    Make a chest (or however many chests you need) Build a gigantic cobblestone pillar or something above said chest (or just record the co-ordinates in the F3 screen... thing) Arrive back at your old base and easily find way back to chest :D?
  15. Furiianda

    Imperial or Metric?

    Heheh, 591... thought you might be happy to know that over here (ie. in a place using primarily metric system stuff) drinks are sold in 600mL bottles. Or 1L... 1.5L... nice rounded numbers. >> Depending on the drink of course, but it'd most likely round up if all your measurements were converted...
  16. Furiianda

    What Program Do You Use

    Yeah, for bitmap editing, you should probably go ahead and use the GIMP. I guess it's kind of similar... easy enough to get used to (it just looks a little bit intimidating compared to MSpaint, but most programs do). It's fine if you want to create pixel art/sprites as well as general image...
  17. Furiianda

    Team Fortress 2 is now FREE-TO-PLAY! (Plus Meet the Medic)

    Oh, they're certainly better than mine! :D Although, well, I'm kinda new, I kinda go even a lot of the time... (on good days) so that means you're probably at least average or better by extension. (So like, they shouldn't hate you, you're doing OK if not owning everyone in the face outright. I...
  18. Furiianda

    Experimental Kittens

    Hey, I figured I would try and give a few tips (it's sad that a lot of artists post here and recieve very little feedback). I see in your last drawing you made her pose more dynamic, rather than the sort of... stiffness of your earlier ones. That's good! I think you should try to draw some more...
  19. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    There was actually a MLP-style champion contest on the forums a while back, so yeah. Link if you are interested in seeing this (: some pretty cool pictures, though they won't make as much sense if you don't know the champions. Nonetheless!
  20. Furiianda

    Team Fortress 2 is now FREE-TO-PLAY! (Plus Meet the Medic)

    I believe it doesn't count any free games (I have TF2 and some free demo and I also can't add friends). You can kind of circumvent this, however, since you can still accept friend requests. And I was also able to join the tCoD group somehow. Woohoo!...
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