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Search results

  1. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    And now, for another exciting installment of... ----- +Flarginsnarf's Ground Beef!+ (I really gotta work on this title thing!) _________________________________________________________ Name: Zemlya Money: ¥125320 Badges: 6 Play Time: 25:31...
  2. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    +Flarginsnarf's Ground Beef!+ (I gotta work on the title.) _________________________________________________________ Name: Zemlya Money: ¥35368 Badges: 2 Play Time: 8:45 ____________________________________________________________________________ grotleLv27 |♂|Kurmaraja] Adamant Bite | Razor...
  3. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    Well, it would seem I am not exactly doing too well on my Flying Monotype, (I got bored) but I feel I'd be more successful at a Ground Monotype (In Platinum!)! So, here goes... +Flarginsnarf's Ground Beef!+ (I gotta work on the title.) _________________________________________________________...
  4. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    :Flarginsnarf's Flying Circus: (Geddit?!) _______________________________________________________ Name: Aeris Money: ¥103154 Badges: 6 Play Time: 26:53 Crobat°° Nosferapti (Crobat) Lv33 ♂ Steel Wing | Wing Attack | Bite | Confuse Ray Gyarados°° Gruber (Gyarados) Lv35 ♂ Surf | Facade | Bite...
  5. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    :Flarginsnarf's Flying Circus: (Geddit?!) _______________________________________________________ Name: Aeris Money: ¥86228 Badges: 5 Play Time: 23:30 Beautifly°° Myyr (Beautifly) Lv22 ♀ Gust | Tackle | Absorb | Morning Sun Crobat°° Nosferapti (Crobat) Lv32 ♂ Steel Wing | Wing Attack | Bite...
  6. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    :Flarginsnarf's Flying Circus: (Geddit?!) _______________________________________________________ Name: Aeris Money: ¥23344 Play Time: 20:31 Beautifly°° Myyr (Beautifly) Lv22 ♀ Gust | Tackle | Absorb | Morning Sun Swellow°° Swenn (Swellow) Lv22 ♂ Wing Attack | Quick Attack | Peck | Focus...
  7. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Full Metal Cookies I'm going as fast as I can! You happen to to find... a male Drowzee! Whatever shall one do?
  8. Flarginsnarf

    The Bank

    -4 from PsychicMewtwo +4 to myself
  9. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    PsychicMewtwo Hello thar... You sir, find 1 female Sandshrew! Would you like to keep her? Continue exploring?
  10. Flarginsnarf

    The Bank

    -4 from Mike the Foxhog +4 to me.
  11. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Mike the Foxhog Searching around your cavernous surroundings, you happen to find... a female Drowzee! Would you like to keep it? Continue? Eonrider Let your Blaziken rest up. See you later hopefully. Your receipt: Your Total: |(M) | (F) | (F) |
  12. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Verne Well I hope you had fun! Your receipt... Your Total: |(F)|(F)| Ruffledfeathers Enjoy your new Pokemon! Your receipt... Your Total: |(F)| (M)| (M)| (F)|
  13. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Ruffledfeathers You wander around until you stumble upon... A female Drowzee! What would you like to do? Your Tab: (F) Ekans, (M) Venonat, (M) Bellsprout Verne You discover... another female Sandshrew! Oh well... What are you gonna do? Your Tab: (F) Sandshrew Eonrider And for you? You my...
  14. Flarginsnarf

    The Bank

    -4 from Verne +4 to me. I'm thinking of raising my prices... :/
  15. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Eonrider I imagine your umbrella to be pretty heavy... You find a female Zubat! What would you like to do? Your Tab: (M) Parasect, (F) Diglett Verne Ah, welcome! You look around to find... a female Sandshrew! Would you like to keep it and/or keep going?
  16. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Ruffledfeathers How about this? a male Bellsprout! :D Your Tab: (F) Ekans, (M) Venonat
  17. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Ruffledfeathers An understandable thing to do. Let's see if you have better luck this time... Your searches conclude you in the finding of a male Geodude! What shall you do? Your Tab: (F) Ekans, (M) Venonat
  18. Flarginsnarf

    Solar Desert

    Ah, maybe later. Thanks.
  19. Flarginsnarf

    Solar Desert

    Catch it.
  20. Flarginsnarf

    Solar Desert

    As if I didn't have enough Fossils... But I'll take the Unown please. Continue.
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