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Search results

  1. Negrek

    Twenty Years of TCoD

    All right, everybody, it's TCoD's twentieth anniversary, and that means it's time for a little nostalgia and reminiscence! What are some of your favorite TCoD memories? I have a lot... - The main site actually having MUSIC. I think that was phased out shortly after I started visiting, but wow...
  2. Negrek

    Logo Designer Near Me

    super pumped
  3. Negrek

    Nice. (And for what it’s worth, they certainly have!)

    Nice. (And for what it’s worth, they certainly have!)
  4. Negrek

    Create Stuff & Chill

    Why do spambots love my thread so much. -_-; Leave my thread alone.
  5. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo people!

    Please have mercy, it's not even October. ;-; Every year for the past two or three years I've resolved to finish my fanfic for NaNo. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm feeling good about this year. Real good! So I imagine I'll be doing that again.
  6. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Good game! A lot of fun to play in an MFia again. I could have played this one better, but what can I say, I'm rusty. Super wish I'd figured out I could use a badge power AND a non-badge power in the same night before dying and seeing that happening in the action logs, sigh.
  7. Negrek

    Pokémon Fansite Badge Quest!

    Just got a brainwave for what I'd like to do for my little challenge. Unfortunately it's super ambitious and I haven't even had time to work on my site in ages due to other obligations, but... want to see if I can figure out a way to make this work!
  8. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    o shit MF's not even online Should I continue to make game-relevant posts, or would that be poor form?
  9. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Yyyeah, two docs wouldn't make me blink in a setup of this size.
  10. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Also, if I die tonight, what I said in my will about my N2 action is inaccurate; I had to write it before EoD1 but ended up changing my mind about my target. I used the same ability, just not on either of the two players I said I was considering in the will. Wanted to clarify because it would...
  11. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Really don't like swapping votes this late in the game, but ZM's claim is not adding up and I am willing to give Ultracool one more chance at this. @Mr. Ultracool Please use your ability tonight! On someone other than yourself! Zero Moment
  12. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    ...yes, I second this.
  13. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Yeah, I'm going to put it at Mr. Ultracool for now, for all that I'm not feeling super confident. If he flips 3p we don't learn much, but if he's Mafia that looks bad for both rari and Blu, I think? I guess rari's take on Koko's scumbuddy will die tonight, and their flip may give us some info...
  14. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Oh, yeah. Town specifically.
  15. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Ugh. I've been rereading on kokorico and not finding much, honestly? And Ultracool is only looking worse to me as time goes on. rari being insistent he's Town is the only thing keeping me from immediately voting him, and... I'm still leaning that way, tbh. Obviously I've managed to vote wrong...
  16. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Well, from my perspective there's probably 3-4 more non-Town players in some combination of Mafia and 3p. Stryke also appears to be something non-Town, or if Town now not likely to stay that way after dying. We might have to do something about him eventually if he's explicitly anti-town and we...
  17. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Ehh, I didn't want to say anything quite yet, but I don't want this counterwagon to go too far and waste time/effort. I inspected Mawile N0 and he flipped Town.
  18. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    This post watered my crops. Thanks, MF.
  19. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I would appreciate one, personally.
  20. Negrek

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Well, a lot certainly happened while I was at work. Feels like there's a ton of new info out there and not enough time to properly analyze any of it, ugh. Will go back and dig in, but some quick things up front: @JackPK Do your targets have to be living players, or could you swap badges...
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