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Search results

  1. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    i guess this shop died
  2. sqtodd


    ok i got it now lets get back to burritos and racisim
  3. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    no i like it. i was wondering where the sprite comes from?
  4. sqtodd


    googled how to get characters budiki tenkaichi ps2 whats wrong with food?!??!?!?! love food
  5. sqtodd


    hey guess what i did use google went threw 2 pages and omg there was no answer there exept what i already had. so plese dont do that.
  6. sqtodd


    *gasp* i AM MEXICAN racist!!!! how f**kin dare you say that!!!
  7. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    thats zulos stuff
  8. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    hey zulo sorry i havent i wasent on. my dad has the comp. from 8-1 but im back on
  9. sqtodd


    [spelt wrong]i like burritos! takitos are beter. they are sall crnchy burritos[/bad grammer]
  10. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    done and sent zulo
  11. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    EDIT: eh, nevermind...
  12. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    hey zulo. where did that kyoger thats black, red, and yellow on the pallets colum come from
  13. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    k i fixed it. if you have any organization concerns zulo tell me and ill fix it
  14. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    just wondering whats wrong with white backrounds?
  15. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    sorry im not allowed to download anything.
  16. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    done and sent.
  17. sqtodd


    ok im stuck i have budiki tenkichi 2 or ow ever you spell it and i am missing 2 characters. i need kid goku and grandpa gohan. i need to know what items i need to fuse to get them.
  18. sqtodd

    squees shop of awesomeness

    done i hope you like it. youll have to teach me how to send the code
  19. sqtodd

    hey. can you make like a fake request or some kind of a bump type thing on my shop. just get it...

    hey. can you make like a fake request or some kind of a bump type thing on my shop. just get it going
  20. sqtodd


    oh thanks. i already made a shop its called sques shop of awesomeness so you guys should go take a look
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