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Search results

  1. Fredie

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    That is all.
  2. Fredie

    Floating back to top button?

    Oh, okay then. Thank you very much. At the moment no one who has visited my site has been using IE6.. but I shall look at those anyway, thanks again.
  3. Fredie

    Floating back to top button?

    Of course, thanks. Do you know how I'd make it stay in the bottom right? EDIT: Could I just do..? position: bottom right;
  4. Fredie

    Floating back to top button?

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows how to do a floating "back to top" button? I want it to scroll with the user so they can click it at any point in the page. Thanks.
  5. Fredie

    Happy music

    I feel Fantastic - Jonathan Coulton also Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles
  6. Fredie

    Sword Of Aeons

    That's quite a nice site. The layout is good and the content is easy to read through. The only thing I would say is to read through the articles that you write 3 or 4 times, just so you pick out all the spelling and grammar mistakes. I've seen a few as I've looked through, so keep an eye out.
  7. Fredie

    Greatest Flash Games You've Played

    The company of myself, it's a really simple concept, but a very good game.
  8. Fredie

    Myspace ,Facebook

    As with everyone else who has posted, I'm not giving away my Facebook.. But here, have some Twitter! It's probably not very exciting to read.. but yeah.
  9. Fredie

    Mute City Gaming.. yeah...

    Well, basically. Me and a friend have started up our own website Mute City Gaming. It's something to keep us occupied over our long summer break we have... Any constructive criticisms would be greatly appreciated! :-)
  10. Fredie

    Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

    Yes, Firechao is right. I don't need the plane anymore.. I must say, that Charizard drawing is amazing.
  11. Fredie

    Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

    Alright, thanks :-) Oh yeah, I meant 100 tall and 600 wide... just to clarify... :-)
  12. Fredie

    Pacman Google

    If anyone still wants to play it, even after they removed it; here is a zip file with it in! Just extract and have fun.
  13. Fredie

    Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

    Okay, well I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much hassle... Could you draw a bi-plane with a banner attached to the back? Similar to this one, but a bit bigger. About 100px by 600px?
  14. Fredie

    Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

    Hey, I was just wondering. Are you still taking requests?
  15. Fredie


    Erm, yes I partioned my HDD to install Ubuntu, but during the installation. It created it's own partion. And I don't know if it's NFTS or not... I'm able to get onto Vista occasionally now, so will either of these change it so that my computer uses MBR instead of Grub?
  16. Fredie


    I was wondering if anyone can help me. I've recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 and I've had no problems with it so far. I started my computer up today and I found that I couldn't load up Vista. I was wondering if it is possible to un-install Ubuntu, I've searched around the internet and found many...
  17. Fredie

    The Political Compass

    I remember doing this a few months ago but I can't find my result from it, so I just took it again... Economic Left/Right: -6.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.51
  18. Fredie

    I found two cool pictures.

    "Obama voters". People's stupidity never ceases to amaze me... They are pretty funny pictures though.
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