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Search results

  1. Glameow

    Right or Left Shift

    Exclusively left shift. Honestly, I don't believe I've ever used the right one, if not out of force of habit, then because the right shift is TINY on this keyboard. >_>;
  2. Glameow

    Roar of Time style

    That's not a very good idea... =/ In any case, I think this style's MUCH better than Shiny Umbreon, especially since Butterfree fixed the issue with the background fading into black. On the other hand, I agree that the top nav (User CP, FAQ, etc.) doesn't look very nice, seeing as the...
  3. Glameow

    The header told me to post, so...

    Oh wow, replies already? O_O;; Thanks, both of you! I think I've already picked up the "feel" of this place, and I'm sure I'll fit in. I'll enjoy this place, I'm certain of it!
  4. Glameow

    The Clue Game

    I'm in the same bloody boat. I've Uh... help appreciated? X_x Vrai: Probably WAY too big of a hint, but meh...
  5. Glameow

    The header told me to post, so...

    Uh... I'm not exactly adept at introductions, so I'll just try my best. My name is Glameow *points to username*. I've lurked around both the main site and forums for a few months now, but have never really summoned the courage to post. But now I'm emerging from the dark to drink tea and eat cod...
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