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Search results

  1. F

    How would you like to die?

    I would like to die... by drinking too much water, resulting in a bloated stomach, where as it somehow managed to explode when poked by a rock jutting out of the Eiffel Tower at exactly 3:45PM (GMT time) on June 28th 2058 where my blood would go gushing, resulting in the damage of a new washing...
  2. F

    randomness is not funny

    Um.. hi there Bombsey.. O.o Very nice thread you have running atm..
  3. F

    FLICKxxOFF greets the forumites!

    @ pikachu629 Sorry... I didn't mean it that way, but I guess from a big forum goer it does seem just a tad miniature compared to what I'm used to, but who knows this could be fun.
  4. F


    Hi zuea. :D How are you today?
  5. F

    Dynamite Cigars: Kai's art thread.

    Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread You're quite the artist.. :O I especially like that Gallade, even if it does appear womanly, but it adds to it's charm! Maybe you should take up inking... try a black and white pokemon. Who knows, it could turn up spectacular. Do you do other mediums too, or...
  6. F

    'I'll be your number one with a bullet' A loaded god complex cock it and pull it! FALL OUT BOY...

    'I'll be your number one with a bullet' A loaded god complex cock it and pull it! FALL OUT BOY - SUGAR WE'RE GOING DOWN! Though I like the line about the mausoleum or something a bit more... HAVE A NICE DAY! ;D
  7. F

    HI! ;D I've decided to run around posting on everyone's... profile? Or maybe because your name...

    HI! ;D I've decided to run around posting on everyone's... profile? Or maybe because your name has 3 dots... Just to say hi. :D How are you today?
  8. F

    Hi... Impressive work on the dragonflycave site, and of course this forum. :D Hope you have a...

    Hi... Impressive work on the dragonflycave site, and of course this forum. :D Hope you have a nice day... But you probably get too much spam anyways... :P Hope you're having a nice end of summer break (Assuming you're in the area I'm in)
  9. F

    Would you rename a type?

    Whaddabout like... Dragon -> Serpent? Naw that's too tacky... Dark - > Shady... ew no that makes me think of scary people at night. Perhaps Ghost --> Haunt ? Meh... the well of creavity is empty.
  10. F

    How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

    Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon? ... That thought has never ONCE crossed my mind... I'm trying to remember... T__T" But I generally don't talk about Pokemon in large numbers... so I THINK** I stay with the singular forms.
  11. F

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    Throwing my Master ball at Palkia... only to check Serebii.net 3 weeks later to learn it had a catch rate of 30, compared to all the others of 3... T__T" But I still got the Cressalia and Mesprit, without any probems. :D
  12. F

    First Favorite pokemon

    ... Vulpix... I thought Brocks' firey dog was the bestest thing EVER
  13. F

    Best Pokemon Game Ever

  14. F

    Stupid things you thought were true

    QFT. I SWEAR THAT WORKED IN R/B/Y! T__T" And for some reason I still think it does... ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT'S A MYTH?!? *almost faints*
  15. F

    Who's your favorite Eeveelution?

    I was looking at your signature... 'Requiem' to nickname your Espeon... I can see the irony in that... a morning dog named after the mass for the dead. ^^" Very nice. @ TS I do like Espeon... but it'll have to Flareon, just cause he's hot that way... LITERALLY. *corny!!*
  16. F

    What Pokemon Make You LOL?

    Bibarel... it's face makes it's look a big muddy coloured fart!!! I swear it! All poofed up like that....
  17. F

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom Tea... I actually feel like drinking some green tea, now that you mention it, with plenty of tapioca. That would be nice. :D The Cafe of Doom... may I ask why we are doomed?
  18. F

    New person like usual on these things

    Hi **Swellow** I'm new too! ^^"
  19. F

    FLICKxxOFF greets the forumites!

    && hi everyone !! This seems like a nice small pokemon community... ^^" Hoping to have a GREAT time on this forum, maybe even after my Pokemon obsession dies... :D so how is everyone today?
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