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Dynamite Cigars: Kai's art thread.

Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

You're quite the artist.. :O I especially like that Gallade, even if it does appear womanly, but it adds to it's charm! Maybe you should take up inking... try a black and white pokemon. Who knows, it could turn up spectacular. Do you do other mediums too, or only pencil and paper w/ pencil crayons?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

I'm already busy doing a request. And after that I have about three more to do. So wait your turn, please.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Hariyama squeezing Bidoof, in the picture, make it so Bidoof is thin because Hariyama has crushed it. Hariyama is walking off.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Well, I've decided to stop taking requests, mainy as that's how the thread got spammed. Also because I couldn't keep on top of then. Anyway, I'm hopefully bringing this place back to life.

Yes, there are several things wrong with this, mainly the arm, face and hair, but I'm rather proud of it.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

It liiiiives~

I love the detail on that costume, it's amazing~ The colouring/sahding with all the clothing folds is awesome, too. His right eyes looks a little off, but overall the whole pic is brilliant :3
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Nobody cares about my art... "sniff"

Anyway, I'm back at school now, so posts here will likely be less frequent. Or more, It depends on if I decide to post the stuff I do at school.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

You should post the stuff you draw at schoool; some of my best stuff's done on the back of homework and random scraps of paper.

I love all the colours on the Georgia o'Keefe pic, it's so pretty~ The shading's good, but you could make your colouring a little... smoother, maybe? I find my colouring's better the longer I spend on it.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Alright then, I'll work on the smoothness of my shading next time I have art. Yes Danni, I have taken Art as a GCSE option. I'll try to take photos of the stuff that I do there, but I can't take them home to photograph.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Well, we had chemistry today, and I got bored. So, I did me some doodles:

Copper: Done during science. We were trying to create copper by heating copper oxide and carbon. (Co2 + C - C + 2CO I think was the equation) The experiment worked, and I ended up with a small amount of copper.

Reactivity: Again, during science.

Glam rock: I bet that this will piss someone off.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Not as unpopular as mine.

I like the science doodle things. Copper!
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

You barely ever update yours, ZC. Sorry if I came off as rude, but certain things today have made me very cold indeed.

Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

No, I don't. No idea what I was thinking when I used it as an example.

No, you're not rude.

Even if no-one else does, I, at least, look forward to your updates.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Well, It's good to know that some people still look forward to seeing my stuff.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

That Rain picture is amazing. The pose is absolutely awesome <3

I really like the colouring on Mark's hair and collar-thing, too. And you have really cute handwriting! :D
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Aww, thanks Danni. You always brighten up my day. Except when you say that you feel like crap.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Aww, thanks Danni. You always brighten up my day. Except when you say that you feel like crap.

^^ You're so lovely~

I only ever feel like crap when I'm ill, and I tend to recover quickly. 99% of the time, life is good :D

Your art makes me happy; I really love your style.
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