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Dynamite Cigars: Kai's art thread.

Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Uh... maybe you could try drawing Pokémon using attacks and moves and the like? [/Epicfailofasuggestion]

Anyway, I can has a request? Could you do a Spheal about to swallow a Bidoof whole, maybe? If you could, draw it so that we're looking straight into the Spheal's mouth with the Bidoof cowering in front.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Friggin sweet Kai!
I am forever in your debt
You are most welcome. Now bend over and kiss my feet.

Uh... maybe you could try drawing Pokémon using attacks and moves and the like? [/Epicfailofasuggestion]

Anyway, I can has a request? Could you do a Spheal about to swallow a Bidoof whole, maybe? If you could, draw it so that we're looking straight into the Spheal's mouth with the Bidoof cowering in front.
Not really much of an epicfailofasuggestion, really. And the Spheal-eating-Bidoof is done. The color looks bad though. I need to get better pencils.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Photoshop did that, not me DX Ah, well, love the Bidoof slaughter one >:D
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Well, It can't be helped then. And you should expect to see more Bidoof slaughter soon. Like:..

Bidoof Slaughter #02: For Castform. Yummy. :D Why do so many want to see them get eaten?

Eury Evans Sketch: Another Immortal Rain character. Buisnessman, Self-proclaimed Ladies man, Sharem-proclaimed Slacker. Fun to draw.

Tea break: Speaks for Itself.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Thanks :D That's really awesome. I love it!
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Thanks for commenting.

Anyway, I've finished the Machika sketch, and I am going to start another sketch soon. Something grim-ish.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Well, scrap the whole "Grim" Idea, I decided to sketch Darkrai instead. And I'm gonna go onto draw a Yuca Sketch. Expect it to be uploaded tomorrow.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Unexpectedly, the art has been uploaded today!

Darkrai Sketch: I fail at the energy thing in it's hand. Pose taken from someone else.

Machika sketch: The Shading is bad, The face looks odd, but I don't care much. I still like it.

Yuca Sketch: He's just too adorable! I swear, this
Never Dying, sadistic, cruel hearted person
is too cute for his own good.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Darkrai = YES!

I don't know what Immortal Rain is so.....yea.
O o o o do a Bidoof being chopped in half by a Scyther!
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

I'll do that Soon-ish, Orngsube. Anyway, as usuall, new art at 8-10 o'clock in the evening.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Woah, I love the newest ones... you're so good at humans~

The expressions in the Spheal-eating-Bidoof one are hilarious, and the Eury one is amazing; I especially like the hair and eyes. And Froslass art~ Nobody does Froslass art.
One of Yuca's eyes looks a little bigger than the other, but he still looks adorable. And Darkrai is scary~ I love his purple aura-thing :3
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

I know, I mucked that up badly. I'd change it if could, but I already finished it, so I can't. Ah well.

Why does nobody do Froslass art?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

:o Darkrai! YES!

Though you should've coloured it's "necklace" red and the body black.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

It seems I have run out of paper. I'll try to get some more soon. In the meantime, Requests are closed.

I still have art to be uploaded soon.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Gutem Morgen! Ich habe... returned. Sorry, but I don't know what the german is for "Returned"

Anyway, in the week that I've been away, I've managed to do... well, not a lot. But here is the new stuff. But I have more paper now, so requests are OPEN.

Lunos Sketch: Yay! I can finally draw Umbreon! And It's in sketch! and not my crappy colours! For some reason, He looks like a rabbit. :D
Kingsley the Seaking: You may remember him from a thread that I made not too long back. He's the pokemon I couldn't get rid of. Also, he has no markings.
Pride, Cardinal Delcatty: Similar to Lust, Cardinal Milotic. Look how sassy he is. "Oh, well I've done this..."
ME!: 'Cause it feels so empty without me. And I have pens now!
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Caramelldansen: I have no idea what was going through my mind when I did this. It was either "Every other good artist on tcod has one, so why don't I draw one?" or "Hey, I'm gonna draw something insane and funny to get this thread a bit of popularity. Either way, Danni, you did this to me.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Am I the only one posting here anymore?
Anyway, Art!
Blaziken: For Kinova, who requested over MSN.
Swellow: My last bit of paper for now. If I go in to town tomorrow, I'll but some more. Hey, I've got £25 in the wallet!
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Blaaaziken~ Eee, thank you, it's great. I like the colouring and the pose, which could either be A) That fighting-stance leaping thing Blaziken does in most pictures or B) The chicken dance. Which would be appropriate, I suppose. It's cool, anyway. x3

And uh yes I made comments over MSN before so... your lineart is nifty and colouring has improved loads. Woo~ (Oh, and the Bidoof Slaughter Method #2 gets an honorable mention too. XD)
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