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Dynamite Cigars: Kai's art thread.

Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Wow, the forum and site died... Anyway, I have some new stuff.

Colour + White - other shading = Awesomesauce

Giftart for Mewtwo~

Ed with more shading.

Giftart for Dannichu~
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Christ, you're getting really good really quickly O.o

The perspective on that gun is amazing. Absolutely amazing. I can't draw guns (or anything mechanical) at all, but the shape and perspective and accuracy and everything is so good o.o
I also like the shading on the hair and coat; very dramatic.

The Mewtwo's pose is really, really cool; did you use a refrence or draw it from your own head? Either way, it's really well done, and the white shading looks really great (and I'm sure it looks even better on paper).

Ed looks great; the hair is all detailed and complicated, especially his little plait. The eyes are also really cool.

And the Dannichu picture is the best thing I've seen in a very, very long time. You know how much I love it <3
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

The Mewtwo's pose is really, really cool; did you use a refrence or draw it from your own head? Either way, it's really well done, and the white shading looks really great (and I'm sure it looks even better on paper).
I used a reference. It was in an issue of ONM, I belive.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Oh yay, giftart!

I've never looked at this thread before, but then you PMed me so I came to check it out. Teh whole picture is awesomer than teh avvie! I'll be switching avvies randomly after a while, this one's gonna be in that big pile =D
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread



Anyway, here it is.

This is the angel 'Mother May' from the Immortal Rain series. I did warn you. It looks quite scary, wouldn't you agree?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


... Just kidding.

The only problem I can see with Eury is the ear. It's too small and too far down.

The second one, the "Mother May" drawing, I can't critisise. I've never heard of it, that's why, so I don'y know what's wrong and right and... yeah...
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Aww, aside from the ear, the Eury pic is really great; I especially like the chin (I have serious chin issues) and the shading on the eyebrow.

And Mother May is beyond creepy, which is a good thing :D
But maaan that baby-head-thing freaks the living crap outta me x.x
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Aww, aside from the ear, the Eury pic is really great; I especially like the chin (I have serious chin issues) and the shading on the eyebrow.
Thanks. I tried copying the thickness of the lines for this one.

And Mother May is beyond creepy, which is a good thing :D
But maaan that baby-head-thing freaks the living crap outta me x.x
I t i s m e a n t t o , otherwise Kaori Ozaki would not be doing her job. [Yes, I can spell the artist's name off by heart. I'm a nerd.]
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

So, yeah, I almost let this place die. But fear not, I have new artwork. I drew this for Bonfire night (Today) for the Obsessive Scribblers.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


I recognize Arylett, Kai, Dannichu and Eclipse...

You draw awesome Kai, you draw too awesome :D
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


I recognize Arylett, Kai, Dannichu and Eclipse...

You draw awesome Kai, you draw too awesome :D
Thanks muchly. People don't comment on my art thread much.
From right to left: Vladmir Putin's LJ, Spaekle Oddberry, Spoon, Flareth, PichuK, Arylett, Me, Seritinajii, Crazy Linoone, Dannichu, Kratos Aurain, Zora of Termina, Salamander and Eclipse.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


The picture's a little dark, but that's a good thing, since it's upposed to be nighttime and all.
We look so awesome :D
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


Just kidding. But I am an obsessive scribbler.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

So, I have a dump of stuff I'd like some comments on. Perhaps some crit too.


Deoxys, sketched from a card. I used a 3H and a 4B to do this. I did the lineart ages ago, but I never got round to completing.


Some purtyfull flowers. I found an image in a gardening magazine in an art lesson. Feel free to ask.


A shell that I drew. Most people who I have showed this to have said good things about this. I personally love it.


An OC that a friend of mine asked me to draw.


AND AND AND the canvas draing that I mentioned over at the OS club. I will be painting this tomorrow, hopefully.

Now please, people, comment for me, or the monkey dances.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Question: what kind of pen did you use to ink the Eury one? It came out quite professional-looking, I thought.

The one with the gun looks really cool; leaving most of it white with colour only where the shadows would be was really effective in making it... yeah, dramatic, like Dannichu said. (Also, @the Danni giftart: are those slashgoggles I see? :D)

Uh, this Mother May thing is an angel? o_O Reminds me more of the Shinigami from Death Note. Either way, it's very creepy - the circle of teeth-things over where the heart should be looks especially good.

Wow, the shell looks like it must've taken ages. It looks realistic, though~ (...Am I the only one who can see a :( in the middle of it?) The shading on the deoxys is cool and the detail on the very last one of Eury is pretty nifty.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Angels in anime are actually very rarely pretty things with fluffy wings; have you never seen Evangelion? X3

I am almost certian I commented on these before, but I guess not. The shell is lovely~ All the dots and cracks and things make it look so detailed; how long did it take you to do?

Deyoxys looks really cool; the different pencils used for shading make it look especially good. The OC looks good, except the back of the head is a little... small. Argh, I'm so bad at getting my point accross on art threads; the eyes and scructure of the face is really good, but I don't know if it's the shape of the head or the fact that most of his hair's on one side that bothers me. It doesn't really matter; it looks good anyways.

And that canvas picture is really, really good; what kind of paints are you going to be using for it?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


I love things with only shadings of black and white. It makes everything dramatic. It also makes me feel like I can't draw, but meh...

I love the details on everything. The creepy GAH MY EYES angel is really, really well drawn. It's just that I'm still freaking out over it because it's creepy.

Linoone will go back to stalking now. Hurrr.
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