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Dynamite Cigars: Kai's art thread.

Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


The canvas thing of Eury hasn't been penned yet. I used a 3H pencil in that, and I've started using acrylic paints in it. I need to get off of my lazy ass and finish it.

The drawing of Eury was done in a basic store-brought black pen. I just thickened the lines in certain places where Kaiori Ozaki had.

Mother May is an angel, yes. Probably one of the creepiest in the series.

The shell took me 2 art lessons, so that's about 2 hours. And only just now can I see the :( in the centre.

And thanks for all the comments, girls. My art thread is in dire need of them.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

So, I have some more stuff now.

My Pokesona.

Two characters off of a game I used to play called Silent Bomber. It is freaking epic.

And what has been done on canvas so far.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Christmasy pic ahoy!

For those who are to thick to understand, Laharl is looking at a snowman that Flonne and Etna have made to resemble him in anger, while they wait behind a heap of snow to pelt him with snowballs.

It is also apparant that I cannot draw shoes. Or get lighting right.

I was going to make a joke about Laharl's fluffy pink snowboots but oh well.
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Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Argh, I'm sorry for taking ages to comment again >.<

Ahaha, the Disgaea pic is AMAZING. I've always thought Laharl's little... bunny-ear thingies looked a little silly, and seeint them in snowman form is the absolute best XD Flonne's =D expression is absolutely perfect.
Realistically, though, they should all be dying of hypothermia.

The Pokesona is adorable (and a lot easier to draw than the human version, which will make group pictures considerably easier), although the head's a little big and the neck a little small in your pic; your avvie is so, so cute :3

The canvas is looking really great so far; keep updating with the progress you make on it~
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Ahaha, the Disgaea pic is AMAZING. I've always thought Laharl's little... bunny-ear thingies looked a little silly, and seeint them in snowman form is the absolute best XD Flonne's =D expression is absolutely perfect.
Realistically, though, they should all be dying of hypothermia.
Thanks! They should be dead of hypothermia, but I couldn't think of what to dress each of them with. Other than Laharl with fluffy pink snowboots and Flonne with earmuffs.

Dannichu said:
The Pokesona is adorable (and a lot easier to draw than the human version, which will make group pictures considerably easier), although the head's a little big and the neck a little small in your pic; your avvie is so, so cute :3
I would rather that I was drawn in group pictures as my Persona, since an Umbreon can't draw with paws. XD
But looking at it again, the neck and head are a little on the large side. I'll sort that out If I draw it again.

Dannichu said:
The canvas is looking really great so far; keep updating with the progress you make on it~
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Sssh; we've been drawing Spoon as a spoon for months now and nobody's brought up the "but spoons can't draw" thing X3
B-but Umbreons are so much easier to draw than humans... and they take up less space, which makes fitting everyone into a group pic less hard D:
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Well, If I must be drawn as an Umbreon, I guess I must be.

Also, It never occured to me about Spoon having no arms. Then again, If you look at Vlad's group pic...
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Linoones can't draw, either. But I manage to defy laws of physics and whatnot and doodle stuff.

AND OHH THE CANVAS can't wait till it's finished.

The Umbreon is missing the rings on its legs... Or did you do that on purpose?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


10 points to whoever can tell me what the hell this is. I know alrieady, but I doubt that much others will. I call it 'Second Hand of Time'.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


Stupidly stupid and insanely cute little doodle I did. The main DNAngel cast as chibis.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


School Uniform. I really don't mind the blazer at all. I quite like it. Oh yes, and my Rainbowey~scarf. Maybe the colours are a little less aesthetically pleasing than Danni's, but oh well.


I've been putting coloring this off for way too long. I think I got the majority of the lineart right.


AND AND AND more stupidly cute DNAngel chibithingies. This time, just of the Harada twins, Risa and Riku respectively.
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Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Alright, I'm now open to suggestions, due to ArtMo and my lack of ideas. Also, I've editied the first post.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

What the hell your school uniform is really cool. D< Like a secret-agent-esque, "The name's Bond; James Bond" sort of thing.
(Also hurray the rainbow scarfs are spreading~)

Okay so while I don't know who any of these characters are, I do think you've drawn them well. XD The attention to detail on a lot of them is really good. Like on the one with the... praying blonde woman... er. And the Silent Bomber one.

The canvas one is also looking really good so far, I'm looking forward to seeing how it'll turn out. What paints are you using?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

hehe thanks.

Most of the characters in my recent drawings are uncommonly known. It doesn't matter much. but:
  • Silent Bomber is a game for the PlayStation. It involved space age action and blowing stuff up with napalm and stuff.
  • The praying girl is Freedert, from the Ice and Snow saga of DNAngel. The stupid doodles are from DNAngel aswell.
  • The ones in the christmasy pic are from a series called Disgaea. I think only me, Danni and PichuK know about it.

Yay comments!
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

I love your school uniform, by the way. And your rainbow scarf.

Is the rainbow scarf part of your uniform, because if it is, I am going to your school right now. I love the way you shade things.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


Wow, everyone loves my school uniform. The scarf isn't part of it, but I wear it in winter anyway.
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Hehe; I used to wear my scarf with my school uniform all year round and my teachers were always "It's summer you moron, take it off )<" because they were mean. My uniform was a lot more horrible than yours, too. The pic is really great~

I like the Laharl pic a lot, too; he looks great and the lineart seems great to me... he needs colouring now~

I haven't seen DNAngel, but god, those chibis are cute ^_^
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread

Hehe, thanks.

I might try and continue the chibis throughout ArtMo. I'll also color Laharl one day throughout it, and hopefully get the canvas finished.

By the way, Would I have to finish the entire canvas in a day for it to count in ArtMo?
Re: Impaled Bidoof: Kai's art thread


Here's some more DNAngel chibis. This time, of Daisuke and Dark.
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