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Search results

  1. @lex

    What's the canon timeline between the generations?

    Also, Lady Caitlin has aged a bit between Platinum and Black/White... and had the time to grow out her hair.
  2. @lex

    Would you like to have children?

    There are so many ways to say no. 1. The screaming. 2. I would probably be an awful parent. 3. The expenses in time and money. 4. Earth is already way overpopulated. 5. Earth is also a generally awful place, and I'm not forcing someone into it just because of my own egoistic urges to, what...
  3. @lex


    What's wrong with butter and/or cheese?
  4. @lex

    Vote for a Dream World Pokemon

    I voted for Ditto~ Impostor seems pretty sweet.
  5. @lex

    Eysenck personality test

    Extraversion (27%) low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private. Neuroticism (36%) moderately low which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic. Psychoticism (26%) low which suggests you are overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense...
  6. @lex

    Red or Green Apples

    Definitely red. Have you people tried Red Delicious? It's amazing! That said, all colours of apple are great, and I happily eat them all.
  7. @lex

    If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

    I haven't posted here? Insanity! I'd have been Alexandra. Being Alexander now, it's pretty clear what mother had set her mind on.
  8. @lex


    Swedish yay! Lemme dissect a post, too! Unlike MD, I actually can claim to be a Swedish teacher (well, I study to be one... I'm not quite there yet). First, you want to say först. Första is the definite article, litterally meaning the first. This is generally not enough, however. We don't...
  9. @lex

    Have you ever auditioned for anything?

    I auditioned for high school, and got in~ I also auditioned for university. I did not get in. Tough competition, and besides, it wasn't my best performance. This is mainly theatre and drama, by the way; not music.
  10. @lex

    What's your New Year's Resolution?

    Well... Last time around, I promised I'd become more sociable. That... failed, to say the least, so I didn't make any resolutions this year. I'll just see where 2011 takes me~
  11. @lex

    It's in French!

    This is the greatest idea in this thread.
  12. @lex

    favorite fruits you guys

    Bananas! Oranges! Raspberries! Huckleberries! Cloudberries get an honorary mention for making awesome jam.
  13. @lex


    Oh yeah, this reminds me... 0 is male and black 1 is male and yellow 2 is female and lime green 3 is male and green 4 is female and blue 5 is male and orange 6 is female and light red 7 is male and dark green 8 is male and yellow 9 is female and red 2 is very masculine, 9 is a bit of a tough...
  14. @lex


    No, I've always been like this. Well, maybe not for the entirety of my life, but you get it. I have also considered it at times ("hey, it's funny how I see colors in letters..."), and eventually I read about synesthesia and realized that's what I have.
  15. @lex


    The Pokémon fanbase has distorted the meaning of "legendary" beyond all recognition. Heatran is a legendary Pokémon, much more so than Pokémon like Mewtwo or Manaphy. Why? Because Heatran is mentioned in legends. In DPP, we hear old myths about the legendary Pokémon from Buck and his...
  16. @lex


    What you mean not everyone is synesthetic? o.o I'm sure we've had a thread like this before, anyway. Monday: red or black Tuesday: light blue Wednesday: yellow Thursday: brown Friday: red Saturday: black or blue Sunday: light yellow I also have colors for songs, although way too often they...
  17. @lex


    While I agree with you, you should remember that there's a difference between asexuality and aromance (or whatever the word would be). Being asexual does not mean you don't want to be in a romantic relationship. But yes, the media, society and everything sucks because it makes it look like...
  18. @lex

    Trainer Card Score

    According to Bulbapedia, points are added to the score as such: Berry is picked +1 Battled against a wild Pokémon +2 Battled against a Pokémon Trainer +3 Egg is hatched +7 Pokémon is traded +10 Pokémon is evolved +20 Flag is obtained in the Underground +34
  19. @lex

    Do you have any fears or phobias?

    I've been looking through this thread to try and remind myself of some hidden phobia I have. I didn't come up with anything. I'm boring :< Although in my younger days, I was afraid of tight spaces (like, really tight) and dogs. Maybe death, too. And love.
  20. @lex

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. Let's get on-topic, people. My vote goes to "the quality of the Twilight saga".
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