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Trainer Card Score


New member
How exactly is Trainer Card Score calculated? This question's been bugging me for a while now.

I was thinking it had something to do with the number of eggs hatched, the number of pokemon caught/defeated etc., which are the categories on the computer thing at the Pokemon League in HG/SS but I'm not entirely sure.
If you mean the stars, you get one star for doing each of five things:

-Beat the E4
-Get a Platinum flag underground
-Beat a Master Rank contest
-Complete the National Pokedex
-Get a 100 win streak at the Battle Tower

-Beat the E4
-Get all 5 Shiny Leaves for one Pokemon
-Get to the Friendship Room in Pokethlon
-Complete the National Pokedex
-Get a 100 win streak in the Battle Tower
No, I mean the Score. It's a number about two thirds of the way down on the front side. Thanks for the info though.
According to Bulbapedia, points are added to the score as such:

Berry is picked +1
Battled against a wild Pokémon +2
Battled against a Pokémon Trainer +3
Egg is hatched +7
Pokémon is traded +10
Pokémon is evolved +20
Flag is obtained in the Underground +34
According to Bulbapedia, points are added to the score as such:

Berry is picked +1
Battled against a wild Pokémon +2
Battled against a Pokémon Trainer +3
Egg is hatched +7
Pokémon is traded +10
Pokémon is evolved +20
Flag is obtained in the Underground +34

Is it very different in HGSS?
I think the score is sort of pointless. Does anyone know it's purpose, aside from just being there?
maybe not the Pokeathlon, but the Shiny leaf laurels. Of course, there's a maximum amount of those you could have (assuming you would lose points or releasing a pokemon with a laurel)
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