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Search results

  1. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    @Dragon That's fine and dandy :3 I'm glad you like it~ @Lucas755 Haha, I'm really glad you like the revamp. =o I'll add the Scyther to my request list. ^^; Oh, also my new Photobucket is "Phonezixy" based off a nickname my friend gave me and my "Phoenixy" signature. Just an FYI. .:Phoenixy:.
  2. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Bah, sorry for not being able to upload any request last night guys. I seem to have had a strange problem with my photobucket and I couldn't load any images without it taking like, an hour. <<;; ...and omfg I typed that like yesterday. ._. Dragon...
  3. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Sure, feel free to use them and credit is love. <3 But I'm glad you like them. :D .:Phoenixy:.
  4. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Haha. Thank you very much. :D I really do like it when people request (cause I feel spechul) even if they can't find a place to put them. It ,at least, gives me something to do. But I'm glad you like them. ;P .:Phoenixy:.
  5. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Ah don't worry about it Mewtwo, I'm usually up for anything really. I'm just super lazy when it comes to scratches. xP The good news is that I did fill some requests (lol like four. <<) so let me post them here. =o --------------------------------------Requests------------------------------...
  6. Soaring-Phoenix

    Oh snapples. You live in VA?

    Oh snapples. You live in VA?
  7. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Haha, my apologizes. I knew something didn't seem right when I posted that. xP Anyways, surprisingly enough I found enough energy somewhere (sodaa~) to finish your requests. :D --------------------------------------Request----------------------------- El Garbanzo...
  8. Soaring-Phoenix

    You're welcome. I hope you had a grand day. ^^;;

    You're welcome. I hope you had a grand day. ^^;;
  9. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    I got some more requests finished. x3 I'll have to start on the Victreebell tomorrow, however; I hope you don't mind. --------------------------------------Requests----------------------------------- Enekuro...
  10. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Finished requests time~ I'll start on Enekuro's and others now. :3 And please let me know if something isn't right or I skipped you. D: ------------------------------------------Requests------------------------------------- Ketsu...
  11. Soaring-Phoenix

    Happy Birthday? ^^

    Happy Birthday? ^^
  12. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    Hah, got the requests done, except for the Gold Revamp of Espeon. But I'll get on that shortly. x3 Dragon;; http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o220/Phoenix-Zion/TrainerCardRequest.gif RuffledFeathers;; http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o220/Phoenix-Zion/SnowAipom.gif Wolftamer9...
  13. Soaring-Phoenix

    Requests Open Feeeeeeeed Me- Requests that is.

    So I've been kinda bored lately and I realized that I haven't been spriting as much as I'd like. And partly is because I'm so lazy that I don't even want to pick Pokemon to splice. D: It's that bad. Well, to those who don't know me I am commonly known as Phoenix-Zion. I usually lurk in sprite...
  14. Soaring-Phoenix

    Taliax's Sprite Contest

    No thank you~ I created my failsprite of an entry awhile ago due to my excessive boredom. When it grows up it could be a spider! Or a lobster. *gigglesnort* So yea, entry is there. FAIL AWAAAAAY~ .:Phoenixy:.
  15. Soaring-Phoenix

    Taliax's Sprite Contest

    Would it be possible for me to enter? I'm puzzled on if you had to be in the first round or not. :3 .:Phoenixy:.
  16. Soaring-Phoenix

    Sprite Contest!

    =P Hey now, everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. I usually can't crit without coming off as mean, so I usually have to like...butter them up or something. Don't let it bug you and just practice at it. :3 .:Phoenixy:.
  17. Soaring-Phoenix

    Sprite Contest!

    Although everybody is using the same Pokemon to fuse you still have to think; 'how do I want to fuse this?' If nobody had creativity all the sprites would be the same, but it's the little things like adding the facial expression or the pattern onto the sprite that makes it original. Personal...
  18. Soaring-Phoenix

    Ultimate Theme Contest-CLOSED FOR JUDGING-

    Re: Ultimate Theme Contest Well if this doesn't get closed, I'll gladly enter. :3 *steals Demon theme* .:Phoenixy:.
  19. Soaring-Phoenix

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I made some edits to yours, I hope you don't mind or anything. x0x But from what I can see there were a few coloration and proportion problems in both images. So when I fixed those which included just scratching both tails and making some minor edits to the ears the sprites come together a lot...
  20. Soaring-Phoenix

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    @Adnan Hah, I've been here before, just too lazy to make an account so I finally did, going with a little bit of a different name. I still use my .:Phoenixy:. thing so people can tell it's me though. ;P Fingerprint palette: The idea is original, gonna give you props on that, but some things...
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