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Search results

  1. mewfairy

    Type Change

    I agree with almost everything said. maybe the elephants could have water as a second type, because I think they do well ground. and sudowoodo needs to be rock, or else poor little bonsly wouldn't have a pot to be in. bonslysee that line that looks like a belt? thats the pot it is in...
  2. mewfairy

    What improvements do you think should be made in future pokemon version games?

    DEFINETLY a new plot, like everyone says, and character customization, definetely. and a way to dress up your pokemon for battles and the stats screen, instead of just contests.
  3. mewfairy

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    I have had many favorites over the years, but have come to a dillema: the ralts family. They are all so awesome. but as you can see, my avatar and signature say ralts. its adorable. yay. and I also like mawile.mawile
  4. mewfairy

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    there has to be something, and since the universe is infinite, they have to go around and take care of the whole universe so probably only come around to earth every couple billion years. or never, because the universe is infinite. they probably creted bacteria here and let us evolve.
  5. mewfairy

    What would be a good game story?

    I think some thing where you are a pokemon and you get caught by a trainer would be fun, bucause you could disobey your trainer. and sometimes the trainer that catches you could be evil, so you get to go on spy missions and stuff. or you get caught by a coordinator and do contests. but you...
  6. mewfairy

    I'm mewfairy! Yay!

    Hi! I'm mewfairy, and I tend to post long, sort of rambling posts. Some of the time it is okay to stop reading my post partway through, but most of the time I think I am pretty interesting and my posts are worth reading. I think I was well known in the mew's hangout forums, or at least untill...
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