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Type Change

I think Persian should be a part dark type, Gyarados should be part Dragon insted of part Flying, and the Bulbasaur line should not be part Poison.
That doesn't seem very smart to do though, what if it get's watered? that would hurt it!

Exactly how the plot in GSC came along :D

I don't really have any opinions on Pokémon's types. They're all some way for a reason, and I just like their types how they are.
I don't really want any types changed because I'm used to them and don't mind them at all. And it would kill some methods and change STAB. *tries to think of stuff not said before* Zangoose should be full Dark or half Dark? Maybe Zubat could be Dark/Poison with Levitate as an ability. All the easy ones are taken.
I agree with almost everything said. maybe the elephants could have water as a second type, because I think they do well ground. and sudowoodo needs to be rock, or else poor little bonsly wouldn't have a pot to be in.
bonslysee that line that looks like a belt? thats the pot it is in. otherwise it would be a mess of soil and pretty pebbles.
I don't think Phanpy/Donphan should be part water, as elephants aren't anywhere nere as strongly linked to water as say a whale or an otter - although them learning Water Gun would fit.
Gyarados is part flying to give it a bigger weakness to electric.
The Gastly line is part poison because in RBY no type was super-effective against ghost, and it needed a weakness.
There doesn't need to be a light type to counter dark; the dark type was created solely to lower the reign of psychic pokémon.
Charizard should stay fire/flying; it's a huge winged lizard that breathes fire, not a dragon.

The Gligar line should become poison/ground.
Azurill should be pure water.
Glalie should be ice/rock.
I always, always think of Corsola as steel-type, just because Jasmine uses one in Pokemon Stadium 2. Part of me knows they're not, but I'm always confused as to why my fire-type attack does nothing to them ):

I think it'd be cool if Noctowl were part psychic, given how it learns Confusion and the other psychicy moves. They don't look as metallic, but I always thought that Electrode and Voltorb had metal bodies (what else would they be made of), do it'd make sense fo them to be part steel.
Doduo/Dodrio being part-flying type, let alone being able to learn Fly confuses me utterly. They're named after dodos.
It always used to confuse me how Psyduck and Golduck weren't part psychic at all, but Starmie and Staryu were (it was the "psy" bit, I think).
To me, Feraligatr seems kind of like a Water/Dark type. I'm not sure why, it just does.

Perhaps it is because it viciously tears apart its prey with its huge jaws?

Palkia should be completely Dragon, I mean wheres the water? O.o

Fixed your Palkia typo. Also, it may be because space constantly expands, or flows outward like WATER

In fact, Dialga being Dragon/Steel is more confusing than Palkia being Dragon/Water
Actually, time is very relative. Also, it apparently goes slower the faster you go or the more gravity there is. I heard it on Mystery Hunters when I was younger, though, so that could be false
I actually think that's correct, but I still think that it's one of many reasons why Dialga is Steel-type. I just said time is hard to bend, not impossible to.
Eevee and Skitty should so be psychic, they have psychic powers that make them my favorite Pokemon How about the Piplup line. OK yes, Empoleon should be steel but they could of made the line Water/Ice as penguins live in the cold etc...
I don't think Budew should be partially poison. When it evolves into Roselia it can becoime Poison/Grass, but I think it should just be Grass. It looks a little to cute to be Poison.

And why is it that most Flying types are Normal/Flying? I think they should just be Flying.
And why is it that most Flying types are Normal/Flying? I think they should just be Flying.

Because Game Freak loves tradition. Anything that goes against tradition is shoot down, exceptions being Kecleon and Arceus, whose flying typing is rare anyways. Thats why we still have evil Teams.
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