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Search results

  1. A

    Looking for a new web browser.

    Isn't the AOL browser just an IE wrapper?
  2. A

    Looking for a new web browser.

    Their spam filters are wonky, they have dubious dealings that basically sell your inbox to high-enough bidders, accounts ~magically disappear~ (I've had one do so), more frequent downtime, forwarding is only allowed towards other Microsoft e-mail services (unless this has changed), they keep...
  3. A

    Looking for a new web browser.

    It's pretty much the shittiest free e-mail service. (EDIT: with a large userbase)
  4. A

    Looking for a new web browser.

    I don't use Opera. I just think it's pretty good. Main turn-off for me is closed source. I'd sorta like to try Lynx. Seems like it might be handy to have around.
  5. A

    Looking for a new web browser.

    Safari for Windows is almost like using IE for Mac :\ Safari's a better browser by far, but it's still blehApple. And if one does go the closed-source route, Opera is probably the superior choice.
  6. A

    Looking for a new web browser.

    Vixie the Ninetales here vouching for Firefox. I am not biased at all, nope. (But seriously, you can't go wrong with either, but Firefox has a longer legacy and a bigger following so it tends to get all the neat trinkets and add-ons first. Plus Chrome's UI is a little wonky for me; I like my...
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