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Search results

  1. A

    Alvyren vs Cypher

    Excellent work. Smash through to your enemy and strike with a force palm. End with another barrage of stone edge. Rock Smash ~ Force Palm ~ Stone Edge.
  2. A

    Alvyren vs Cypher

    Good job, Shenlong. Sirius will be a difficult adversary, but we can still try to set the stage right for your partner. Detect Sirius' confuse ray -- we don't need you to lose your wits this early. Entomb Sirius with boulders to ensure we keep the speed advantage. Keep piling on the earth...
  3. A

    Alvyren vs Cypher

    Fantastic, Shenlong! I believe your first match will be wrapping up shortly. Let's try for paralysis once more and open with a Force Palm. Regardless of the result, your next acrobatics should finish Plevel off. By then, the effects of her taunt should wear. If Plevel is still standing for some...
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    Alvyren vs Cypher

    Excellent work, Shelong. With Plevel's confusion faded, and attack restored, it seems our enemy is keen at taking an aerial approach, as well -- another swagger should do the trick. Next, we'll continue the assault with two rounds of Acrobatics, unless for some reason Plevel manages to raise a...
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    Alvyren vs Cypher

    Good work, Shenlong. The stage is set; now to get to work. We were careless to overlook Snivy's support movepool. Let's shut Plevel down by taunting her. Then, we will prepare for attack. Hone your offensive abilities by preparing a swords dance. Finish with flair, launching an acrobatic...
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    Alvyren vs Cypher

    He's got it mostly written, I think, and he'll definitely be done by today. Relatedly, I'm leaving on a trip in a day or so until next Wednesday, so I'll be out for awhile after my next post. (I'm not sure if where I'm going has internet.) Also as an aside to both you and Zhorken, I renamed my...
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    Alvyren vs Cypher

    Alright, Shenlong, time to rock and roll. Pipsqueak--I mean, Plevel over there is in a defensive pose, just waiting for your Fake Out attack. Let's play along with that and dive in close, but instead Feint through Plevel's Protect. We'll also address Plevel's contrary nature by using...
  8. A

    Alvyren vs Cypher

    I'll be leading off with Shenlong.
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