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Search results

  1. A

    The LGBT Club

    Today my band director showed me the concert program and asked if she had my name the way I wanted it ("Ms. Adriane Fox"). She also said I could wear a dress to concerts :> And if there were anything else she could do to help make me feel comfortable to let her know~
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    The LGBT Club

    By complaining about "stereotypical" effeminate gays, you are being no better than any other homophobic person. You are being judgemental against these persons because of the way they behave. And yet you expect people to not do the exact same thing to you? Way to be self-centred. They're...
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    The LGBT Club

    That must mean you live a stone throw's away from me :|
  4. A

    The LGBT Club

    I'm registered as Andrew because that's still my legal name, but I'm Adriane Fox to all my professors/peers because that's what I introduce myself as. *shrug*
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    The LGBT Club

    I'm thinking this more and more every day. I've read through their comments, and seem to just act like a /b/tard that got rejected by 4chan and has nothing better to do than troll dA instead. They're hurtful and bitter, and use sarcasm rather than logic to attack others' comments. When someone...
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    The LGBT Club

    It's not really over yet. It's definitely going to get appealed.
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    The LGBT Club

    So I talked to my psychiatrist about it today, and also told a couple friends about my decision. All of them seemed to be pretty supportive, so that's a good sign :D Now, my parents on the other hand...
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    The LGBT Club

    A nearby high school had a LGBT club established by court ruling; apparently they've been trying for years. The principal then resigned.
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    The LGBT Club

    B and T, rather.
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    The LGBT Club

    Mudkips can be female.
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    The LGBT Club

    I've not joined? /join #lgbt
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