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Search results

  1. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    aaaaaaa I love Gliscor! Catch And um, red lever I guess. Whee
  2. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Yes, I'll use the ticket.
  3. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Aww, cutie! Somehow I've managed to avoid getting a Pikachu up till now. Catch!
  4. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Ooooh! Yes >:D Catch!
  5. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Hm... I'll pass on this one. Not a big fan of Magnemite. Though I guess I'll pull him loose, poor fella
  6. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    D: Aww Well that just makes me want to catch it so he can be with Vulpix :< I'll take him too
  7. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Catch and take item, please :3
  8. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Hm... I think I want to go again, this time on the roller coaster! Same as last time, one ticket, five balls, please. :D
  9. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

  10. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Hm... Ignore, but I'll press the green button again. Because I'm crazy.
  11. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Hmm. I'll catch the Pelipper and poke one of the buttons. No idea what they do so... just a random button.
  12. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    oh darn I thought I posted here Do I stop running into Pokemon if I get on the ride? If so, no If I'd still find Pokemon, then sure
  13. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Ummmmm... if this were one of the games I'd pass, but I actually don't have one so I'll go ahead and catch it for completion's sake
  14. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    bird bird bird bird! Catch :D
  15. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    ack sorry. Um... ignore I guess
  16. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

  17. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    eek cutie! And what luck, an item too :o Catch!
  18. Aisling

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Ooh! :3 I'd like to get that one ride + 5 Pokeballs package, please! I'd like to go on the ferris wheel. And I guess I won't bring a Pokemon if it'll scare away the park's.
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