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Search results

  1. Aisling

    Business Approval Office

    Just in case you missed this, Negrek is kind of in charge of the ASB League. What she thinks about things matters. We're only repeating/paraphrasing what she's said before about other business proposals when we tell you "what Negrek will think about it". Here are a few things to consider that I...
  2. Aisling

    Business Approval Office

    I'd understand that with Lava Cookies (I'll never see my Pokemon the same way again- creatures who see a cookie and don't understand what to do with it), but Lemonade and Soda Pop are in cans and Fresh Water is in a bottle. They'd be just as unlikely to know how to open those as they would be to...
  3. Aisling

    Business Approval Office

    They can't eat held Lava Cookies? I thought that was the Lava Cookies' gimmick vs. Full Heal, or is it just that Lava Cookies are cheaper? (considering Lum Berries do the same thing unless I'm very terribly mistaken, and are the cheapest of all ingame)
  4. Aisling

    Business Approval Office

    That's probably because 1) You can buy any base stage Pokemon in the Pokemon Registration Office 2) You can buy any evolution item in the Pokemon Registration Office 3) You can buy/sell/trade/loan/whatever Pokemon in the Black Market 4) If you read the thread there were like three businesses...
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