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Search results

  1. Aisling

    LSD Dream Emulator

    That's something new if there's someone out there more sissy than me! I can't even watch my dad play Tomb Raider without having to hide when something jumps out. I can't solo big monsters on MMORPGs without having a legit panic attack. Cold sweat, numb fingers, everything. Anything that's not a...
  2. Aisling

    LSD Dream Emulator

    I'm just getting to episode 11. I'll be looking forward to those! One of those head people.
  3. Aisling

    LSD Dream Emulator

    I was just watching those.~ His voice is like, so mellow and all that crazy stuff is happening... xD Rainbows! Flying ship? The turtle! OSHI he warped me RIGHT into Grey Man A geisha :o After this I kept walking and came upon a room where A FUCKING DOG attacked me so fast I couldn't...
  4. Aisling

    LSD Dream Emulator

    Wow! What a pleasant first sight after just starting this game. I touched the bodies, wound up in a different spot in the same city, found the bodies again and touched them, ended up in an electric lake, couldn't move, screen went red, I ended up back at the house and then the dream ended. It...
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